Chapter 1: Target Trouble

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Chapter 1: Target Trouble

   This morning looking at my clock I wake up at the same time every morning 10am. I don't even shower, get up brush my teeth, make breakfast and head out. Today is pretty chilly so I grab my jacket and keys then head off to one of my favorite places to shop, Target. Within 20 minutes I arrive and get ready to pick up a few items for myself!

"Um, excuse me? Ma'ma?" I ask the sales clerk

"Yes Hun?" She sweetly says back

"Can you tell me where the Kale packages are?" Asking kindly

"Yes, alright Hun, go down this aisle, turn right and straight back you should see it!" She tells me. "

"Thank you." I say as I walk away

"Wait..."  She yells.

Turning back around to meet her weird constant gaze...

"Do I know you? " she asked me with a confused look.

"I don't think you d-" and it was at that moment I noticed who she was.

Fuck! I curse under my breath getting back to reality.

"No, ma'ma you don't know me" I say rushing away!

"O MY GOSH I DO KNOW YOU, little miss Raylan Scott!!" She says with an angry tone of voice.

Damn it...

"Yeah that's me" I say with a sigh

"You were the bitch that broke my sons heart!!" She says with rage.

"Um, excuse me!" "You're Dean's mom?" I said shocked.

"Yeah, you broke his heart you little scum piece of rotten shit" she says to me making me shake a little and with a slap, she sends me to the floor.

"You little hoe, I didn't do sh-" I say before being picked up off the floor by her manger.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" He shouts at her!

"She slap-" I try to tell the manger before he interrupts me.

"I don't care what happened, nothing bad has ever happened in here before until you walked in and we don't need to be shut down again, so just get out! He instructs me.

"WHAT?" Okay now I'm pissed

" Look Miss, I just need you to go don't worry I will handle Mrs.Smith" he says before I walk away.

"AND BY THE WAY HE CHEATED ON ME YOU OLD HAG" I shout before actually leaving through the doors.

   "Damn what's a girl gotta do to get some kale" I say to myself. Getting into my car I drive off pissed as hell, just wanting to get home to get a load off. I have the perfect idea... Guess I'm going to have to call up Ava for some fun!
My writings will be short I apologize, but I will try my absolute best to make them longer for your entertainment.
<3 Hope you enjoy!

Love Liché

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