Chapter 5: Aden

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The cover for this is my image of Aden, take a look if you dare😉❤️

     I have never done this before to anybody, I don't know what in my right mind thought that this was okay. I look at her while she sleeps, her make up is a little smudged, her once slick back long brown ponytail is now messy. Her dress was up a bit high so I could see her right butt cheek. "Stop Aden just stop, you horny bastard." I say to myself. I take her back to my place so that she can rekindle herself, I tried to ask where she lived, but she mumble something I couldn't make out. We arrived at my place within 20 minutes.
I placed her on my bed and I went to go  lay on the couch, I started to think about what the hell I just did, "why the hell would I just take a random girl?" I say to myself while burying my face in the hands. "Oh well, I will have to deal with a confused girl in the morning" I say to myself before drifting off to sleep within second.

I wake up too find someone poking me with a knife.  I frantically move away from it basically almost falling on the floor, but I caught myself.

"WHAT THE HELL DUDE?" I yell at her.

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked me pissed off

"Let me explain, my name is Aden Marshall, last night you were overly intoxicated and you couldn't find your friend..." I tell and then she interrupts me.

"Shit shit shit, Ava" she tells me.

"Whose Ava?" I ask her.

"None of your damn business" she says gives me a cold glare.

"Look I know what I did was stupid, no it was idiotic and insane and I regret it, but I will take you home if you want right now." I reassure her that I was not kidnapping her.

"Please d-" She tells me, before looking sick.

"Where is your bathroom?" She asked with a yuck face.

"Upstairs to your lef-" I try to tell her.

Before I knew it she dashed to the bathroom and what I heard next almost made me sick. Going to grab my coat she came back down and I noticed her stare on me, it wasn't as cold anymore, it was almost like she was inspecting me or something. As I turn back around she looks to the ground.

"You ready?" I ask her

"Absolutely" she tells me

We get to my car and she tells me the address as I put the address in my GPS.
I look at her while trying to keep my eyes on the road as well. She looks so fucking beautiful, and as crazy as she looked holding that knife it still was sexy. The way she handles herself is alluring, it only makes me want her, but sadly I had to shoo those thoughts away. Me trying to shoo the thoughts way only made it worse, her long soft looking legs mocked me, her breast were two perfect pairs, "ah Aden chill the fuck out" I fight with myself, "but those eyes, those beckoning brown eyes made me weak." "Aden control yourself and stop being a massive creep."
Soon we arrived at her friends house and she got out, but before she got out she said something to me.
"Thank you for letting me sleep and spew in your bathroom" she tells me with kind eyes before leaving.

"Wait." I called out

She turned a back around and there are those brown eyes again.

"What?" She asked me.

"May I ask your name?" I ask her.

"It's-" she tries to say before being pulled away.
And there she goes through A closed door. "Dang I never even got her name?" I sadly say while sinking into my seat, then pulling off.

[Back to Raylan Speaking]

"Where the hell did you go last night?, No wait, who the hell was that man?" She asked me a million questions, okay while two, but it felt like a million.

"Okay honestly, I don't remember anything that happened last night, I remember seeing you dancing with some guy, and me drinking 12 tequilas, but after that things were a blur." "And that guy helped me because I couldn't find you and fainted into his arms. I woke up in his house and Thank God he slept on the couch." I explain to ease her nerves.

"So you two didn't..." She asked me

"What? God no, what do you take me for Ava." I tell her will a quiet laugh.

"Just asking" she says laughing with me. "While I'm just glad you are okay."

"Thank you Av"

"Don't thank me that's what best friends do, worry about each other" she tells me.

"Alright, alright let's not get to sappy." I look at her and laugh.

"Come on, you know I'm a sappy person." She glares at me.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I laugh.

" Alright Ava I'm going home to explain this mess to my mom because she blew up my phone" I tell her "Bye Av, love you" I say before leaving.

I looked back and tell her to shhhh.

Getting back home my mom is sitting in the kitchen on her laptop, it looks like she is writing who story, yep! My mom is a famous author and she has be working on this story called "Lightning Strikes When Midnight Falls" and I gotta say being a reader, her books aren't bad. 

"Hey mom, I'm home." I tell her

"Raylan Rain Scott" she says

Yuck! Why was I given such a strange name? I say too myself.

"Mom before you say anything, I was at Ava's all night I'm sorry I didn't call we were playing games and talking about girly things" I reassure her.
Okay yeah I know I lied, but would you tell your mom that you got drunk and taken to a strangers house only to wake up confused?, that'll be a strong no.
Next all she does is nod and embraces me before I go upstairs and shower.
After the shower I go to my room to throw on my black leggings and a hoodie, feeling ever so comfortable. 
I lounged in my room watching movies, I'm so happy I don't have as much  homework anymore since I decided to be home schooled, my mom doesn't give me much to do, just simple pages to complete. I grabbed my snacks hidden under my bed a bag of potato chips, cookies and candy "I love food" I say before shoving chips in my mouth. It was around 1am that I finally decided that going to bed would be a good thing and with that I passed out.
Will she meet Aden again? Or will Aden find her? Who knows?

<3 I hope you enjoyed this!

Love Liché😋

Also my mom isn't a famous author just the mom of Raylan that's her story Author Scott.

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