Chapter 2: Tipsy

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     * I picked this song because to be honest it's one of my favorites, so why not make it Raylan's favorite as well.*

     Getting home from target, calming myself down with some music and a soothing bath. After I am done bathing, I throw on a basic pair of gray sweats and a plain crop top. Then heading downstairs to my beautiful kitchen, lights hanging on my four beige walls, vines hanging from the ceilings, it really compliments my families personality. Pouring myself a glass of wine, secretly... What my parents don't know, won't kill them. I start to make a phone call to Ava.

"Hey Ava"I excitedly say.

"Hey Bitch" She says to me.

" Alright listen I have an idea" I say while laughing.

"What's up?" She says.

" Alright you, me clubbing tomorrow night? You in or are you in? "I say with a serious, but yet comedic tone"

" Hell yeah girl, count me in, I can't wait. I've been dying to dance with a hot guy and drink senseless" she tells me with a laugh.

"Alright 7pm. We are going all out" I say with a smirk.

"You and me Scott" she says.

"Me and you Woods" I say back.

After that phone call I start to feel really relaxed and cool, just counting down the hours until it's clubbing time. We always go to this club called "Tipsy" it's never boring in there, especially since it is an underground club strictly for 17-19 year olds. Lights roam around like crazy, smoke covers the floor, brick walls instead of concrete, it's my perfect wild scene. Just the thought of it makes me want to dance, so of course I turn on my Music player to find my ears enjoying the song "To Be Alone With you" By JMR! "AH I LOVE THIS SONG" I say to myself. My night gets interrupted with this loud knock on my door. 
Again I apologize for the shortness! It's just something I gotta fix!

😋Hope you enjoy!

<3 Love Liché

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