Chapter 3: Unexpected

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The cover photo for this part is what Dean looks like!!❤️
      My night is pretty basic, without my parents home it's pretty boring so dancing was my go to. I hear this knock at my door that scares me a little bit, but pulling myself together I open the door, to find a piece of shit.

" what the hell do you want?" I say rudely.

" well then... Muffin. I just came to say, I'm sorry for my moms behavior" he faintly says, while rubbing the back of his neck.

"First you don't get to call me muffin anymore, and second it's okay, but please make sure she doesn't slap me again, because as old as she is, her slaps hurt like a bitch." I say while rubbing my right cheek, in which still hurt.

"Okay I will." He says.

"Is that it?" I asked him.

"Well um..." He says

"Let me stop you right there, I don't want to hear it, I'm tired of your shit... If you were truly sorry, you wouldn't have done it in the first place asshole." I say aggressively.

He just looks at me after what I just said, it's almost as if he knows he can't do anything to get me to forgive him. His right, I can't forgive him, well at least not right now. He broke me, I thought he was the one, but I was truly mistaken he killed my once happy heart.

"Look Raylan, you have to belie-" he tries to say before I slam the door on him.

      "And my night is ruined" I say to myself before retreating to my room.
While I am upstairs I am greeted by my vintage room theme that always gives me a sense of calmness. My walls are a nice tan color, a chalkboard with a wooden frame hanging on my wall, that reads: "COME AT ME BRO!" For some sort reason. My wooden desk that holds my laptop and a vase of black and white roses. My room is my chill spot to just scream and or punch items, in this case it's scream....
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE EVEN DARE TO COME TO MY HOUSE!!??" I scream while violently punching my pillow.

"HEY RAY!" I hear my mom call.

"YEAH!" I shout back.

"IM HOME" she says to me.

"MOM I KNOW, I CAN HEAR YOU" I say with a loud laugh.


"OKAY" I shout one more time before making my way downstairs.

I find my mom in the kitchen making herself some pasta that looks and smells really good!!!
"Hey mom, can I have some please?" I say with pleading eyes.

"Of course honey, I'm surprised you actually asked usually you would just take a fork full and dig in" she says while laughing.

"Oh hardy har-har mom" i say sarcastically.

"What's up? Anything you want to talk about?" She asked me with worry.

I started to contemplate on wither I should tell my mom what happened or if I should just let it go. Eventually she noticed that I wasn't going to say anything to respond to her question even though I should, "you know what I will say something for once" I say to myself before coming back to earth.

"Today I went to target to get some kale which I never got because I got thrown out. Apparently Dean's mom works there and she recognized me and slapped me. So when I came home I started to dance and then I heard this knock at the door, and guess who? Dean, he apologized for his moms behavior, then tried to apologize to me for what he did once again, but I slammed the door in his face..."

"Woah Woah woah sweetie calm down, breathe... Inhale and exhale lovin" my mom tells me.

Inhale... 1...2...3


"You okay now?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you" I say more calm like.

"First of all why would she slap you in her work place that's very unprofessional?" She says with a little concern.

"She slapped me because she thought I broke her sons heart, when well you knew what happened..." I tell her while not making eye contact.

"Well trust me I will be talking to her about that cause nobody hits my daughter" she insures me.

"Mom please don't, I don't want any association with him and you talking to his mom is association." I tell her with pleading eyes.

"Fine, as you wish..." She says with a faint sigh.

Around midnight me and my mom got done talking, it's a funny thing, the time flew by.

"Goodnight mom" I yell while going up the stairs.

"Goodnight Ray" I hear her say before closing my door.

Laying on my bed I start to slowly think about how much fun me and Dean use to have, it was nice talking to someone different for once, but ever since he cheated nothing was ever the same. I try to just erase those thoughts from my head and just sleep and around 12:30am that's exactly what I did.
Is this long enough?
I'm trying to make this story as entertaining as I can and so far I hope you guys like it.

<3 Love Liché

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