Chapter 4: Drunk

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     Waking up in the morning to look at my phone going off, I received about 20 text from Ava and surprisingly a few from Dean.

"Wake up you whore" 7:30am -Ava

"OMG, RAY GET UP!!! " 8:00am -Ava

"Tell you ex to stop texting me he wants to tell you his sorry" 8:01am -Ava

"RAYLAN PLEASE IM SORRY!!! I miss you." 5:26am-Dean

"We spent 1 years together and I mess up one time", 5:27am-Dean

"Please forgive me" 5:28am-Dean

"Give me a chance to make this right. 5:29am-Dean

"Raylan please" 5:30am -Dean.

So on and so on... Dean was relentless, but I'm happy majority of them are from Ava so I texted her back and she responded within seconds. Nothing important, we just talked about tonight, she's coming to get me at 8:00pm, that's when "Tipsy" opens.

It's about 5:00pm and I'm still inside, I need to go out and do something with my life. I decide to go and get my running clothes on; and go for a run to clear my head. I run down heathen street, then Langston street to make it back on my street Scott street, ironic right, My last name is Scott. As I'm running I faintly hear someone calling me but when I look around I didn't see anybody, finally when I turn around I see an all to familiar face.

"RAYLAN" he shouts

" Dean leave me alone" I tell him as I continue running.


I look into his apologetic hazel eyes that capture me, but his eyes could capture any girl he pleased, I just wish he didn't cheat because now I can't help, but wonder what I did I do wrong to make him cheat, was I not there enough? Was I around too much? Was I not pleasing him? It just kills me not knowing, but oh well.

Turing back to to meet his hazel eyes that could make any girl crumble.

"You have 2mins and I'm counting..." I tell him with attitude.

"Look, I didn't even mean for it to happen, she came on to me." He tells me.

"1 minute left" I tell him getting impatient.

"She didn't even mean anything to me as much as you do you gotta believe me ray." He pleads.

"30 secs" I reply

"UGH! Would stop with the counting down?" He yells.

"No, I don't even now why I took the time to listen to you... You're so fucking arrogant, maybe she did come on to you, but did you try to pull away? I ask him.

"Well-" He speaks.

"No you didn't! Did you even try to tell her you had a girlfriend or mention you have been dating me for the past year?" I ask him.

"Ummm.... Well.... I-I...." He stutters.

"Ummm? Well? I -I...". "That's all you have to say? Let me tell you why that's all you have to say, it's because you know i'm right, you should have pulled away and thought about me once. You never think about me after a year I'm just now noticing this, you never cared about me. I was just your toy and I fell for your tricks" I tell him

"Ray-" he tries to say before I interrupt him.

"No, Dean let me finish!" You and me only worked because I need someone to love me, I needed a title and you gave me that title of girlfriend and for once I felt needed, but I can't believe I lowered my standards for the likes of someone like you, an inconsiderate piece of shit."

He looks at me and just stares with nothing more that he can say.

" I thank you for trying to explain yourself, and I accept your apology. I don't hate you, I just wish I would have thought better, when I chose to date you." I tell him.

"Raylan, I.... " he says

"You don't need to say anything, but I gotta go, have a nice life and just forget about me." I tell him before running away.

Looking at the time on my phone it's already 7, dang it that's only gives me an hour to get ready, "Damn you Dean" I say to myself. I head upstairs to shower and shave. Grabbing my razor I trace it up and down my leg to make sure my legs were as smooth as a babies touché. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I head to my room to pick something out. Finally after fucking 10mins, I pick out this gorgeous black off the shoulder nice fitting dress, with a pair of red flirtatious pumps. I put my hair up in a slicked back Ponytail, my make up is a natural, but noticeable look. I look at myself in the mirror and gawk at myself for a bit, but then I hear a loud ass honk that could have made me poop myself. I grab my purse and my jacket and head out to her red mustang.

It's about 8:15 when we arrived. Getting to the club we knock on the door and a little chunk of the door opens.

"What's the code" the guy asked us.

"Squeal and get served" Ava tells him.

And just like that, that guy lets us in. My eyes roam the room, just as I said it is never dull in here. Lights everywhere, the music is a mix of trap and dubstep, people continue to dance like crazy. I head over to the bar to get a drink and when I turn around Ava already found a guy to dance with, "why is it so easy for her to find someone?" I quietly say to myself and ponder through my thoughts.
"What will you be having miss?" The bartender asked me.

"Umm... Tequila with a little bit of cherry flavoring please" I tell him
He just nods.
I sit there and drink my beverage, I drank about 12 of them and I noticed I couldn't see Straight nor walk right, but I still got up to dance, I never even made it to the dance floor. I was way to drunk, I was searching for Ava, but I couldn't find her, I then bump into this guy, who even through my blurry eyes looked sexy as hell.

"Miss are you okay?" I faintly hear him say.

"why-y, you little hammer, gonna bang bang the house huh?"

"What?" He asked with confusion and a chuckle.

"I can'-" I say before feeling my body fall.
The next thing I know I am being driven somewhere, but I'm to intoxicated to even move so I fall asleep.

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