Chapter 10: Girl Talk!

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"Yo! Raylan wake up" I hear Ava tell me. "You're phone is going off, someone has been calling you for a good 25mins" she tells me.

"What seriously?" I said shooting up from my bed.

"Yeah go check..." She tells me.

I get up out of the bed and head to the corner where my phone is plugged up.

"20 miss calls from my mom, about 5 from Dean "ugh why won't he leave me alone" "and a couple from Aden, one from hale, don't even know how they got my number." I say to myself while also reading to Ava.

The first thing I do is call my mom back . All she wanted to know is if I am okay, she freaked out on me, for not calling her before going to sleep. Dean basically told me he couldn't forget me and still wants me to give him another chance. Aden and Hale just wanted to see if I'm okay.

After dealing with that whole episode I decide to spend the day with Ava because honestly I feel like I have been leaving her out. We decided to go shopping and have a little girl talk to catch up.

"So how was your time we Aden?" She asked me to break the silence.

"It was cool actually, we played this game 20 questions" I tell her

"I heard of that game." She tells me

"Yeah, but the twist was that if the question was too personal you take a shot of tequila" I tell her with a grin.

"You gotta stop drinking that" she says laughing.

"Never!" I whisper yell, making her laugh even more.

We head into Victoria Secret and buy some perfume I got my favorite scent pure seduction and she got love spell!!!

"Did you two do anything? You know? Cause you ended up getting drunk and spending the night at his house again" she says while sighing.

"I don't feel like we did, but he was acting weird so I might have did some stupid shit, I will ask him later" I ensure her.

"You better because he could be your upgrade from that douché of a guy Dean." She tells me

"Since you said his name, he texted me a lot he was like " I miss you! I can't forget you! Please take me back! I'm breaking without you! Some bullshit! And sadly I almost feel bad, maybe I was harsh on him." I tell her while looking to the ground.

"Do not feel bad for his crap, he should have never cheated and it's time you move on to something way better than that asshat douché of a human being." She says while giving me a cold dead glare. "He hurt you, you are the strongest person I have ever met and that night I saw you crying because of him destroyed me because he broke you, and I never want to see that again, he doesn't deserve you and you deserve soooo much better, you truly do." She tells me with so much love.

"You know what you're right! Fuck him!!!" I tell her making her laugh.

"O my gosh Raylan Scott said a bad word." She says with a gasp.

"Oh shut the hell up! This isn't the first time I said a bad word" I tell her laughing to myself.

     We head to lunch at Olive Garden and we start talking until the waiter asked us our orders for our drinks.

"What would you like today ma'ma?" She asked me.

"Could I have a water with a slice of lemon please?" I asked her.

"Yes you may and you? She asked Ava.

"Can I have a Sprite please?" Ava asked.

"You may, I will be back with your drinks then take your orders"  she tells us.

We just nod, continue with conversations.

"So you deciding to date?" I asked Ava.

"What?" She asked me confused.

"Well blain is single and..." She stops me.

"Stop Ray! I'm fine... If he would like to date me he should tell me." "You know this lovin, I don't hunt I'm the huntee." She says with a sly grin.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever" I say shaking my head.

"The only thing about blain is that his a asshole with a dick" I tell her.

"Then why the fuck would you want me to date him?" She asked me confused.

"Because you aren't an asshole, you could just change him." I tell her.

"And now you have reached the belt of you're crazy, you're telling me you think that changing shit works" she laughs.

I scoff at her. "Yes I actually do, opposites attract, right?" I say while looking away.

She tries to speak but the waiter comes back with out drinks then takes out orders. We give her our orders and she leaves us to continue our conversations.

"So anyway, enough about me! What about you and Aden?" She asked

"What about me and Aden? I asked her while sipping my water.

"You kn0w" she nudges me. "You hang out with him a lot, you slept at his house two times. Something had to have happened, something you don't recall" she tells me.

Thinking to myself did something actually happen? Was Ava right? I need to stop getting so drunk one day I could get actually taken advantage of.

"Earth to Ray! Come in, Ray!" I faintly hear Ava say.

I look up to find the waiter giving us our food and asking me if I want cheese on my spaghetti, I tell her "oh, yes please" and soon she stops and leave us to eat.

"What were you thinking about before?" Ava asked me "you were really out of it." She tells me.

"Just thinking about what you said, did something happen that I can't recall?" I say with concern.

"Don't think too much about it" she tells me.

"Just ask him and if he doesn't squeal we will tie him up, gag him, tie him to a tree, feed his balls to a do-."

"What the actual fuck Ava?" "You need 20 naps, Jesus and about 30 chill pills." I tell her.

"Nah, I just need answers." "Because if he laid a hand on my best friend, there are these things called fist that I surely will use against his face." She ensures me.

"No no no we don't need that you crazy human being." I tell her laughing.

"I'm coming with you next time you go to see him" she tells me.

"That's fine with me" "a little double team surprise" I laugh as we get up to leave.

We get to my her car and drive back to my place in which I was greeted by my mom.

"Hello mom!" I say while giving her a big hug.

"I haven't seen you in a day." She tells me. "It's been to long darling" she says.

"Funny mom funny! Me and Ava are going up to my room to watch some YouTube videos" I tell her.

"Okay you girls have fun and no drinking." She says sternly

We just laugh going up the stairs.

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