Chapter 9: Apologies

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" I'm sorry for being an insane freak and taking you out of a club, the reason why I did that was because people are crazy and anything could have happened, I had good intentions to make sure you are okay." He tells me

"Like a protector almost?" I ask him.

He just nods and adds "I'm also sorry for kicking you out last night, that was harsh and way to far, I'm not a douché, however my friend Blain is and I'm not him" he insures me.

"Yeah I like Hale more, his adorable" silently laughing to myself. "Maybe you can meet my best friend Ava, one day" I tell him.

"I would like that, I think." He tells me.

"You would" I laugh

"Sooo you wanna play a game?" He asked me

"Sure, what game?" I asked him confused.

"It's called 20 questions, nothing big" "trick is you have to be 100 percent honest, however if the question is too personal you take a drink of tequila." He tells me.

"I'm in." I tell him with an eager smile.

"Okay you wanna go first?" He asked me.

"Nope, you gave the idea so you go first." I say with a laugh.

"Okay lol, what is your full name?" He asked.

"You could have asked me anything and that's the first question you could think of? I asked him.

"Just answer the question." He says with a laugh.

"Fine, it's Raylan Rain Scott" I tell him shyly.

"That is um unique..." He say awkwardly.

"I'm not proud of it, but hey at least I love the rain, okay my turn." "What's your full name?" I asked him in returned.

"It's Aden Hallow Marshall" he tells me.

"I can't even make fun of that, that name is sexy as fuck." I tell him with a devious smile.

"Well then you just love making thing weird." He says while laughing.

"Yes,yes I do." I tell him laughing with him.

"What is your family like?" He asked.

"And I guess I will take the shot now." I tell him reaching for the glass.

"Wait! Why?" He asked.

"Long story." I tell him.

"Okay" he says while watching me chug the drink down.

" what is your favorite sex position?" I ask him?

He started to choke on his spit and look at me like just said something bad.

"Um that was blunt as fuck" he tells me.

"Yeah yeah yeah, just answer the questions" I laugh

"Fine, I really don't have one, but I guess spooning." He telling

"A spooning the only one you know?" I asked him.

"No, sex just happens there is really no need to positions." He tells me.

"That's true." I inform him.

He just nods, he excused himself to use the bathroom while I take about 5 more shots of tequila. I don't have a  drinking problem, I just love me some tequila, that I lose control when drinking it.
He really has a nice place, pictures of his family and then things become a little blurry.

I start to hear him come back.

"How's the snooping going?" He asked me.

"It's goinnng" I say groggily.

"You didn't?" He asked me

"Didn't what?" I ask him back.

"You did!" He says shocked.

"Join me new friend" I tell him trying not to pass out.

"I'm calling m-" he tries to say before I plant an intense kiss on him.

He didn't pull away he let me kiss him until I blew chunks on his floor and blacked out.

I wake up to voices and eyes looking at me, not gonna lie I got really scared.

"W-what's going on?" I ask of all the eyes on me.

"Oh good you're awake." Hale says.

"We thought you died!" Says Blain causing hale and Aden to hit his arms.

"You drank a lot and that's the second time you did this, you need to be careful." Aden tells me as I try to sit up.

"And don't worry we called Ava and told her what happened, she called your mom and covered for you." "So you are okay" Hale tells me.

Blain just stood there looking at me, giving me the absolute creeps. I almost wanted to yell at him for it, but I didn't just made a quick comment.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I tell Blain making hale and Aden laugh. Blain just scoffed and said " Picture of you? I rather just break my screen myself, thank you very much." He tells me.

All I could was look at him and can't help, but to play a little trick. I start to pretend cry.

"Wow, I was j-j-just playi-ng" I say while sniffling and single tear falls and pretending to cry in my hands.

"See what you did asshole!" Hale says hitting Blain.

"Shit! I'm so sorry Raylan, I didn't-" he tries to say before I start laughing.

"Haha fooled you, you better watch yourself blain I'm not one you want to mess with." I tell him giving him a cold glare.

He just backs up and mumbles something under his breath.

"Alright you two calm down, Blain be nicer, and Raylan stop being a bitch." Says Aden.

"Excuse me?" I say while giving Aden a death stare.

"You heard me!" He tells me.

I just stayed silent, until I picked up my phone and called Ava to come get me. I have never felt so intimidated in my entire life, let alone humiliated by a bunch of asshats. The next thing they heard was the front door slam shut.

"Raylan wait!" I hear Aden call out, but I was already gone.

Aden's POV

I keep messing up, this is the third time I have messed up and to make matters worse she kissed me and I don't even think she remembers it. I wish I didn't act like such an ass sometimes, I'm learning to be better, I have my friends to thank for that. After she left I plopped myself down on my couch and my friends started to make there way to me.

"It's okay Aden, don't worry about her. She will come around" Hale tells me.

"Dude, she's no sweat! Don't even think about her. She's just some person you can past to someone like me." Blain says, "she's super hot in the morning" he says.

"I saw" "thanks blain for being such a good fucking friend" I say with so much. Sarcasm.

"You're welcome bro" says blain.

"Alright blain stop being an inconsiderate Ass for two fucking seconds" Hale says to blain.

"You gonna make me" Blain says with a laugh.

"Yeah I am." And with that Blain and hale fall to the floor.

I just watch the two act stupid and rip each other part. Since they are twins I let them finish it out until they both are tired. I feel bad for their parents I beg theirs fighting is worse at this house.
They eventually crashed at my place and I did as well.

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