Chapter 8: VintageC

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It's 12 in the afternoon and I still can't believe that douché kicked me out, who does he think he is. I get out of bed to get myself out of this slump of dismay, I head to take a nice warm shower and let the water droplets fall on me. I wash my hair with this expensive shampoo my mom insist on getting everybody for their hair and I'm not gonna lie it smells like coconuts and the the conditioner makes my hair feel like a soft ass pillow. I love it so I don't mind my mom getting this for our house.
After 15 minutes I get out and throw on my work clothes which really makes me sick each time I put it on.
I grab my coat and keys and tell my mom I'm going.

"HEY MOM!" I yell to her.

"YEAH?" She yells back.

"IM GOING TO WORK?" I tell her

"OKAY HONEY LOVE YOU" she yells at the top at her lungs.

"LOOOOVE YOU TOOOO" I yell even louder.

"Our neighbors hate us" I say to myself before pulling off after laughing to myself.

It takes me about 20 mins to get there each day I go to my place of business. Getting there it is already busy, this place just open about 3 weeks ago and it's always busy, I love it and hate it, love because of the money hate because of all the extra work I'm stuck doing when we close at 8.

"Ray handle cashier 4" my coworker Sasha tells me. Sasha is my favorite here she was the one who helped me out when I first started working here, she is Ricks Wife and I love her way more than him, I silently laugh to myself.

"Alright Sasha I got it"  I tell her rushing over to cashier 4.

"Fuck!" I curse to myself, when I see what stands in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked him

"To apologize and a pumpkin spice latte, please." He tells me

"Here is your pumpkin spice latte and you can take your apology and shov-" I try to tell him before many customers start looking at me.

"Just pay and go, you are holding up the line" I tell him.

"I'm coming back wither you like it or not" he says before leaving out of my sight.

I slightly huff to myself while watching him leave.

"And what would you like today" I ask the next person.

"I would like a Carmel Ribbon please" she tells me.

Before walking away she turns back around.

"Miss?" She asked me

"Yes?" I ask her scared of what she might say.

"That guy really looks sorry, and I can see pain in your eyes, just let go of whatever you are holding and talk to him, you deserve happiness." She tells me and I tried to say something, but she was gone.

"Was she right? Do I really deserve happiness? Or was she just messing with me?, she can't be messing with me she doesn't even know me" I say while contemplating on all of these questions.

The time goes pretty slow and we are still very busy, but my mind is preoccupied with many thoughts.
Around 6 Aden comes back much like he said he would.

"I'm back Ray Ray" he yells causing people to give him dirty looks.

" Raylan please just-" I interrupt him.

"I'm at work we can't do this here or at least while I'm still working, if you would like we could to a restaurant of your choosing and talk there" I tell him

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