Chapter 7:.......

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"Hey Rick" I yell to my boss.

"What do you want Ray?" He yells back.

"Somebody forgot their wallet" I tell him making him rush out of his office.

"Ooo how much money is in it?" He asked while trying to take the wallet.

"Okay Mr.Wants to get arrested, we aren't taking the money out of his wallet" I sternly tell him, making him mumble something under his breath.

"Fine, is there a license in it?" He finally asked me.

"Yeah!" I tell him.

"Well you know what to do, drive to the owners house and give it back to him." He instructs me.

"Do I have to come back?" I ask him before leaving.

"No dummy, go give it back and go home, your off for the rest of the night." He informs me.

I nod and take a real good look at the license again, but only to see something I didn't expect. "Typical" I say to myself before grabbing my keys and heading to my car.


Knock! Knock! Knock!
I walked to the door and opened it with cautions cause freaks live here asking for bullshit, like we're back in the 1900s "can I have a cup of sugar" I said to myself trying to mock my rich dumb neighbors, while opening the door.

"Hel-" I say almost choking we I see who it is...

She just stares at me and I forgot I don't have a shirt on anymore, perfect time to show off.

"What are you stalking me now?" I say with a smirk.

"No you fucking ass hat you forgot your wallet at my place of business." She tell me with anger.

"Okay damn, it was a joke, calm down sweetheart." I tell her

"Don't call me sweetheart you douché and I thought your little friend was the douché, but I was fucking mistaken." She says and with that she throws my wallet at me and starts to walk away.

"WAIT!" I call after her.

She turns back around with an irritated facial expression. 

"What asshat?" She reply's.

"I'm sorry, I was being douchy and I'm not my friend from earlier, I know this is weird, but would you like to come in for a bit?" I ask her awkwardly

I can tell she thinks about it for a little bit... As I hope she decides to come in.

"Sure" she says catching me of guard.

I just shrug and when I turn around I smile a little bit as she follows behind me.

"You don't have to go back to work do you? I don't want to keep you." I ask her curiously.

"No I don't have to go back, don't worry" she insures me.

"Well okay then..." I say

"It's okay by the way..." She tells me shyly

"What's okay?" I asked her, tilting my head to the side.

"The way you acted, it's okay." She tells me

"Glad to hear it" I tell her.

"Sooo, why did you invite me in here?" "No better yet why did you think it was a good idea to take a random person from a club?!" She asked me.

"Well for one, you were intoxicated extremely and for-" I try to say before getting interrupted.

" and two?" She interrupts

"I was getti-" she interrupts again.

"Would you just say reason number two?" She interrupts again.

"Ugh! Would you stop interrupting-"

"Me?" She asked

"You know what, your stay here has been too long you gotta go." I tell her annoyed, pushing her out.

"No wait, I'm just kidding." She tells me.

"Well I'm not, get out!" I instruct her.

"Fine asshole." She says before I slam the door on her.

"Just when I was going to tell her, nevermind..." I silently say to myself.

It was about 2 in the morning and I couldn't find it in myself to fall asleep I kept tossing and turning. My mind was stuck on her, I started to feel bad for kicking her out, but no too bad, I don't like it when people fucking interrupt me.

Around 5 am I got up and took a shower and get ready for my day which rarely ever happens because it just never does. I then head to my living room and get my mind off a few things, I start to sing to myself like the loner I am, this song called Weakness by: Jeremy Zucker. 

"I've been falling for you slow, forgot where to begin after all of this you know, I'm in." I've been falling for you slow, I went out on a lim, after all of this you knoooooowwww, you're my weakness." I silently sing.

Am I slowly falling I love with Raylan?
Is he falling in love with her? Or will something happen within the next few parts?

Hey fellow readers! I would like to inform you that I will not being updating until after my Christmas break that I can have time to type more and publish more for you guys! I'm sorry!

<3 Hope you guys enjoyed!

Love Liché😋

Ps: Bare with me you guys I'm trying☺️🙌

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