Brighton Orphanage

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Nia's  POV

I woke up to the feeling of my body colliding with the cold, hard floor... 'Ow..'

I hear three soft knocks on my door and sit up as it swings open. It was Anne!

She's the orphanage caretaker. I love her because she's so nice and kind. To me especially! We might have a 22 year age gap, but she really is my closest friend.

"Oh, I didn't know if you were already awake! Sorry I'm so late, little Kate got sick on herself... Any-who! Breakfast is ready in ten, if you're hungry!."

I nodded, giving her a wide smile as she closed over the door. I couldn't help the soft sigh that escaped my lips as my mind began wandering as to what this silly, old world would bring today.

I changed into a grey jumper with hero stickers and prints on it, also being sure to put on a polo shirt on underneath because it would have been pretty itchy if not, then I just threw on a old pair of black jeans and some good old converse. Grabbing my school bag, I rush down to breakfast quietly so that none of the other children would hear me if they happened to still be asleep. I steal two slices of toast and stuff one into my mouth as I begin to make a cup of tea. The only time the toast is good is when it's straight out of the toaster, in my opinion. I take my breakfast into the office and see Anne typing quietly at her desk. "Aw pet, would you do me a favour and mind the desk for me for a minute whilst I get the kids their food?." "Yeah, sure!."

I agreed instantly trying not to seem too excited. it was rare i got to use the computer. The second she left, I immediately jumped into her chair and logged onto twitter. 0 followers, 3 following... As usual... Same old thing. I was so bored, and being the odd person I am, the first word that popped into my head was pointless. I put in the hashtag pointless and this is what came up 


Nah. No supplies.


I'm 12. Way too young!


Huh... This sounds kinda interesting...

I went into the link and began scrolling through fan art of this one guy I didn't recognize... His face continued to pop up over and over and curiosity got the better of me... I wanted to know who he was (he was actually really cool looking...). The 3rd  photo had a linked account. "Hope you like it @pointlessblog!".

 Staring wide eyed at the screen, I click into the page, feeling strange and curious Who was this pointless blog guy anyway?. I went onto his twitter. Most recent tweet... "NEW DAILY VLOG www./htpps://"

I couldn't help but gasp when I saw his real name... Alfie Deyes... Why was that so familiar?

Before I even realise it, I'm out of the office chair and rushing to the hall to check the notifications board.


.Name and age range.

Alice and Dave Moore (4-6)

Kian and Aoife Gallen (6-8)

Hannah and lily (8-10)

Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes (11+)

I oddly managed to remain very calm as I walked quietly back into the office, only to then grab a pillow from the couch and squeal my head off with absolute delight. Once I had stopped freaking out and could breathe without screeching, I returned back to the computer and watched some his most recent and older videos. Me being me of course, I didn't notice the time fly by and only when Zoe asked about the time in one Alfie's blog. It couldn't have been that late, right? 


 I have been watching YouTube all day! Wait...why didn't Anne come back? Is she ok? 

I run out from the room again, searching for her everywhere. Moments later however, i thankfully find her asleep with her head against the dinner table. "ANNE" I shouted. She woke up suddenly in a right state; bags beneath her eyes, hair sticking up wildly and still in her pjs form that morning! I shake her shoulders lightly to try and wake her up a bit more... I felt a bit sorry for her. Maybe tomorrow i'd get up earlier to let her sleep on as long as possible. The kids couldn't be that hard to mind, right? 

" Why don't you go to bed, Anne?" I say softly to her, my hands still on her shoulders.

"I would pet but...I must have fallen asleep whilst cleaning..." she mumbles and rubs at her sleep rimmed eyes. I felt my heart go out to her and before I could stop the words from flying out of my mouth, "I'll do it!"

After Anne had slipped off to bed, reluctantly might I add, I finished tidying the messy kitchen; setting it up in advance for the next days breakfast. The second I was done however, I was straight upstairs and into bed. My head hit the pillow and instantly I was asleep...

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