Speaking the truth

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Lexis POV. ( this is new😂❤️)

I look down from the second floor of the mall and see Niamh. I sent out a post a few minutes ago saying she will be in the mall. I post another one saying she's outside of the justice store. All I have to do now is sit back and watch her get destroyed. Instantly people come running towards her. I laugh . When we were back in England, I managed to get a glimpse of her password for her insta. I log into her account and delete all her posts.
I also rewrote her bio to " I'm a spoiled adopted brat and all I care about is fame"

I go into her dms and the first one is with James. I text him.

"James your ridiculous . I liked you but turns out your just a stupid , dump boy seeking for my fame . Did you actually think JIA was real? Your a wimp!😂"

But I also notice some really nice messages from fans. I wish I had her life.

( if you haven't noticed Lexi is doing this out of jealousy )

I do a bit more damage on her dms and then move on to her youtube.

I guessed that her YouTube password is the same as the insta., I was right.

I always wanted a channel with 997k subscribers. I decided to change the name to 'LEXIdrewsc'
It won't be a harm to delete her videos too, would it? I had a vlog I created last week and I post that. 12k video already!

My life is so great right now!


Nias POV

So, I am crying my eyes out because am am trapped in a disabled toliet, all my accounts are hacked, my parents aren't picking up, James hates me and Lexi is happy .

I think long and hard. I finally manage to think of an idea. I wipe away me tears. Most of the banging has stopped it's now just chatting. I lightly knock on the door, I hear one knock back. I shout to ask the person at the door can I let one person in to give everyone else a message. I hear a few people say yes. As fast as I could, I open the door and grab a girls wrist. She she comes in and helps me close the door. She looks about 15 and is tall and skinny.She gives me a hug and tells me her name is Amanda. We take a quick pic on her phone. I tell her what happened. I asked her to tell everyone out there that I really need to get home, I am hacked so anything said is not me and to get everyone to tell my friends that it's not me texting them. Also to tell them that Lexi Drew's is the person who started this all and has been picking on me for the past few months. I thank her and give her one last hug. She opens the door small enough for her to slip out.

If this works I could fix all this.

I hear Amanda asking for silents . Other people help get everyone quiet too. I hear her explain everything. When she was finished explaining everything she said this at the end.

" so maby to let her out can we form a path for her to leave?"

People cheer. I smile . I hear 3 knocks on the door, evething went quiet. I open the door and I see fans screaming and a long path. I have the biggest smile on my face. I thank everyone while I go past until I notice a person familiar sitting on a couch with earphones on. It was Lexi. I start running before I lost her. I catch the elevator. When it opens, she was still on her phone. I walk over and sit beside her. She looks over at me. I could tell my face was red. She tries to make a run but I grab her by the wrist. She drags me over beside the big pumpkin patch shop until I finally get grip of her other hand. We are looking at each other , face to face

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Why wouldn't I?" She smiles

"Maby your jealous?"

She did not like what I said. Her face turned to anger, she stomps on my toe. I let go of her and held my foot. That was her opportunity to push me into the pumpkins. I was covered in goo. She laughs while running off. I apologize to the man selling them. Luckily I landed in old one so I didn't have to pay for any. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I saw a phone lying on the ground. I looked at the wall paper and it was of Lexi, yes! She dropped her phone. It has a passcode. I put in a few simple ones until I got in correct. I change all my passcodes and log out.

Lexi was sitting on the same chair I found her on, with her arms crossed. "You might need this " I say while throwing her phone to her. I start walking the other direction. All of a sudden I felt a slap on my face. I was then pushed to the ground and scraped on my chin and forehead. I managed to push whoever off of me and run away. People walking by tried to stop me but they were to slow. I ran out and started running towards my hotel. It was just down the block.

When I arrived I took the stairs to my floor and knocked on my door.
Alfie answers . We look at each other a split second but then hug. He looks down at me and sees all the scratches on my face.

"What happend to your face?"

"Lexi slapped me and tried to beat me up, how do I say sorry to everyone?"

" Maby go live?"

That's a great idea.

I go into the bathroom and clean up. I then log back into all my accounts and start a live on instagram. In 7 minutes I had 200k watching. I started explain what happend. Everyone was putting in the comments #prayforniamh or more JIA things. I felt like I was gonna cry everytime I saw a comment with James name on it.

"Guys , as you know James and I are really good friends, but Lexi sent him a text that made him block me. He still hasn't noticed that It wasn't me who sent that text. So please if you can will you leave to live, go to his account and spam him saying to come to my live."

I am live on my iphone so I go on my iPad and go to James acc and start liking peoples comments saying for him to come on.

Over in LA

James POV

I'm sitting olis couch eating a tub of ice cream while wrapped up in a blanket watching stranger things s2 .

Oli comes in with my phone.

" Dude, when were you last on you phone?"

"2 hours ago why?"

"Well when you said you were mad at niamh, I wouldn't be, she got hacked. She's live right now begging for you to come on!"

"What?" I snatch my phone from my brothers hand and go onto her live. People start comment " James is here"

"James!" She says. I comment hi with a ✨ emoji.

" James , I am so sorry about that massage . It wasn't me can I FaceTime you later and I will tell you everything?"

I comment once again "sure💕💚"

She giggles and I smile .

Comments go bonkers!

" she can apologize when she finds out you are in the same apartment block as you." Oli says

"Yeah that's my vlog footage tho."

Oli laughs and we both continue watching strangers things

30 minutes later

Oli and I just finished the first episode of season 2. I go to my bedroom and get changed. I get a FaceTime call from Niamh.


"Hi!" She reply's

"Sorry about only joining your livestream for a few minutes, I was watching stranger things😂"

"I don't blame you ! It's so good!

We talked about YouTube and funny stories. She got to edit her video and post as well ! Eventually oli told me I had to go to sleep. We said our goodbyes. We talked 2hrs and 13 mins.

I say goodnight to oli and then head off to bed.

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