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Alfie POV

"Alf......ALF! Wake up we have 10 mins to get ready to collect Niamh!", I heard a voice. I groan. I drift back to sleep as I do...

1 minute later...

A whack of a pillow hits my right in the face. " Ok I'm up!" I say. I walk out of the room not looking back at Zoe. I need to get breakfast and wash my face first. I open the Cubard and get some wetibix with fruit on top. Once I finished I quick washed my bowl and put it in the dishwasher. I yawned and dragged myself up stairs and into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my hair and teeth. My phone was buzzing but I ignore it, I have to focus on more important things than my phone right now. When I finish in the bathroom, I got changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and a light grey/ white jumper. I took my phone off charge and headed downstairs.

When coming down the stairs I tripped and almost fell, luckily I grabbed the banester quick enough to save myself. I see Zoe laughing at me from the bottom of the stairs. I laugh and stick my tounge out at her. She is wearing a white top with a jems collar and black ripped jeans too with a cream hat because it's chilly.  "Ready?" She ask me in a nervous voice. "Yes,"I reply. This is going to make out lives change forever.....

We hop into Zoe car again and arrive about 10 minutes late. I saw Anne run up the stairs when we arrived. She came back down minutes later.

"Sorry! Niamh woke up a seven today because she was excited to be collected. She has been going on and on about you all week! She will be down in two minutes, just wait out her and I will be right back." she said as she grabbed the door handle leading into the office. She shuts the door behind her.

I walk over to the wall beside the banester, I wanted to look and read all the children's names who were at this orphanage. On the last one it was all the children drone this year and I saw Nia a few inches away from the rest of the group. I don't think she got on well with the others because she told us last week she only has herself, and Anne of course but Anne is... ya know ... way older.

Suddenly I hear a sound coming from the stairs, it's was Niamh, she was about to face-plant right onto the floor but I managed to catch her before she did.

"Lucky I was here" I chuckle

She giggled and stood up straight and tall.

"Sorry I don't look the best, anything I have was donated. Including clothes." She said embarrassed.

"That s ok! That means I have an excuse to go shopping, Alfie can go to see his mum." Zoe said.

I smiled at Zoe. She smiled back.   

"Well then, shall we go?"

"Yep , I'm ready, you guys?"

"I am so excited to go shopping, should we go now and get it over with?"

"I need to go see my mum anyway so enjoy!"

"What? Now? Really? Wow! I've never been shooing before!"

Me and Zoe look at each other in disbelief." Well that's  gonna change today."

Just before we go, Niamh runs up to Anne and gives her a hug and then comes to meet us at the door. Zoe and Nia go in Zoe's mini while I call a taxi to take me to my parents house.

Hey guys!
I have a question
Do you want Zoe to have a panic attack in the next chapter or Nia? Or no panic attack at all? Please let me know before next week

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