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Nias POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off . I look at it and James was calling, I answer it.

N: "Hello?"
J: " Hey! Look sorry to tell you this so close to the time but I can't go to universal."
N: " Awwww whyyyyy"
J: " I'm meeting someone.
N: " who it's it?"
J: she just a friend."


N: "oh...."
J: " you alright?"
N: yeah yeah just gotta go
J: well ok... see you later bye!
N: yeah..

He hung up. I can't believe he would say he likes me and then go and ditch me. I check all my feed and the few texts...

Zoe: "Hey N I'll be back later, I left $100 on the counter for you , universal I pretty expensive!
Enjoy - Zoe xxxxxxxx"

I love Zoe so much. I look at the time . It's 10:10 , I have until 11 :30 so I have some time to kill . I go to the bathroom. Just before I entered I noticed my camra on the floor and Zoe's mini tripod. I grab my camera and put it on charge.
I then hop into the shower

After the shower...

I put on a black and white sleeveless top with black ripped jeans,black shoes, grey demien jacket, grey bag and a high pony tail.

I put on a black and white sleeveless top with black ripped jeans,black shoes, grey demien jacket, grey bag and a high pony tail

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I put my phone , money and my camera into my bag .

I call reception and ask them to send a body guard to room 243 floor 4 so that I won't get crushed by fans. Minutes later there is a knock on the door. I grab my bag and camera, then leave the room.

This time is wasent Jim, (the other bodyguard) it was another dude and all he said was " let's go."

To break the silence I decided to call Annie.

Great she didn't pick up. I'm meeting her down at the gate of universal so I guess I'll just see her then.

When I get to reception I walk out side and sign a few autographs, then hop into a car 🚗🚗

When we were pulling up you universal I saw Annie and Hayden . Annie had her camera out filming so I thought I'd pull min out and do the same. As soon a the car door opened we ran to each other. She was hugging me so tight I could barely breathe!

"ARE YOU OK?!" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I giggle

"Phew I was worried all night! Oh it is ok if I put it in my vlog?"

"Sure! It's my video title tho"
All three of us laugh.

( 3 hours later, still in universal)

We go over to the hatter tea cafe a sit down outside. Annie and Hayden go a sit down while I go order drinks . I order 2 strawberry milkshakes and 1 banana milkshake. I bring them over to the table and we talk for a while.
Suddenly I feel a vibration, I thought someone was calling me but no, people were commenting and tagging me and going crazy .

"Is everything ok Niamh?" Hayden questions

"I don't know I am getting a lot of notifications " I show them my phone . I swipe and put in my pass. I read some of the comments....




"WHAT?" I think I shouted that....

I go into tagged photos and I see this...

I go into tagged photos and I see this

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My heart drops

Tagged/ @ AGM____

Caption: Is it real?


AGM____: "it is 💖"

Do you know what, it's fine ... do you know what I mean by that ? I won't stress about it now. Annie and Hayden try make me feel better but nothing is working.

When we were about to leave the cafe I got a FaceTime from James

I declined it and put my phone on airplane mode.

We went on a few more rides and I vlogged most of the day but before we knew it it was 6:00pm I thanked them for inviting me and left .

When I arrived at the hotel I went up to our room, got changed into my pjs ,got into to bed and started checking my social media. I just have to turn off airplane mode and...

James😂💚😍✨🙃 : (78) missed calls

James😂💚😍✨🙃: (12) missed FaceTime calls

James😂💚😍✨🙃: (34) texts

I wanted to call him back so bad but I didn't I turned off my phone and went to bed

The last thing I remember is Alfie and Zoe coming in and kissing me on the head

Great tomorrows I am doing a panel... with James ...

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