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Nia's POV

This time, I awoke to a loud pounding on my door... The voice coming from the opposite side  sounded sort of like Anne. Yep! It was Ann...but why she was shouting?

Her shouting was so loud, I couldn't even make out what she was saying. I quickly climb down my ladder and onto the second floor, pushing up the trapdoor behind me to stop the kids from climbing up. I turned to see what it was the woman wanted, only to pause. She looked...different.. Her face was caked in heavy make up, and rather than the comfy jeans and cardigans she usually wore, she was dressed up rather cheap looking. She totally ignored me once I came out which was odd, but I shake my head slightly and glance over at the wall. The clock blinked 9:53AM, so I headed down to get my pick for breakfast. I can't help but skip down the hall, eager to get some delicious food! But...When I reach the kitchen....there was nothing... I quickly went to Ann again to ask what was up and...she didn't do anything. Nothing...just sat and ignored me! For the first time ever! It was like I had disappeared! Or wasn't there at all! Or hadn't been her friend!

By 11:00, I was tired of sitting around and starving.. I storm down the stairs and into Ann's office quickly, my face red with annoyance.
"Ann! Please stop starving us, nobodies gotten anything to eat since yesterday!" I yell loudly, clenching my fists. Why was Ann being like this? "What did you say you little brat!?" she had the guts to reply,  anger in her tone and on her face. "I know you heard me Ann!" I say frustratedly, stamping my foot "Please feed us!" Anne looked fuming! Like she was going to explode and I grew scared of her.. We'd never fought or been cross at each other before....
"Take a god damn apple from the fridge. Then get out of my sight you little brat before I make you disappear" the woman I had grown to adore and look up to snarls at me... Tears drip down my flushed cheeks and onto my collarbones and I dared not say a single word to anger her even more... I dash for the door.. "Oh and Nia? One, last, thing," she seemed to sneer and my shaking hand froze around the doorknob. "I hope, you get taken away, so I never have to see such an ungrateful child like you again!." My tears come faster and i burst out through the office door, sprinting to my room. The other and littler kids tried to stop me, but I kept running, running, running until I reached the ladder to my sanctuary.. I climb it clumsily and dive onto my bed. All this crying was making me feel sick and...
Everything blackens.

H-Huh? I didn't...get the name... What..was it..?
"Um h-hello..?" I hear myself say.. I didn't want to say that..
I begin to back away, and turn around but there's a man there. A faceless man..
"Hello Nia-.."
"H-How d-do you-"
"Don't worry"
Something grabs my arm and I scream, and then I'm falling, falling falling...
I hit the ground hard.. my hands are shaking, chest tight, eyes darkening at the edges...I can't move! I can't breath! Ann! Mum..d-dad..someone help me!-

With a loud gasp and strangled scream, I regain consciousness and fall off the bed, onto the cold and hard floor, curling up tightly. I was trembling, my skin was flushed and slick with sweat and I felt so dizzy...
Everything goes black, once more..

Sry this was short
The next one is longer!
Love you all

Words 630

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