new friends / new room

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Nia's POV

"Well what did I miss?" An unknown voice spoke.
"Mark you followed us?" Zoe says chuckling. "I needed to know the girl who was screaming your name, I thought it was a dying fan." We all burst in laughter. When Zoe was I the kitchen I was looking around me. The place was just like it looked like in his videos I smiled and looked back at Zoe who was coming towards me.
"You haven't seen your room have you?" Zoe said. I shook my head. She said not a word but grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me up the stairway. We arrived at my door. The door was light brown with a wooden plank nailed to the door saying ," smile," I looked at her grinning. She did the same. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I was in love.

 Tears welled up in my eyes

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Tears welled up in my eyes. I burst out crying while turning around to give Zoe a hug. "Look on your table," she whispered. I ran over to my table to see a bag hanging in the knob of the drawer. I look in to see
£100 primark voucher
Gold iPhone 7
iPhone cover that says Niamh.

This time, I couldn't have time to turn around until I had the iPhone out of its packaging. I felt a hand touch my shoulder."BOOOOP", it's was Mark. I screamed and jumped onto my bed. He had his phone out. I think he might of posted it somewhere. " And sent to instagram!", he laughed, I did too.

Hours later*

It's  6 pm and we are all watching a movie and eating. Alfie help me set up my new phone. I downloaded the apps Snapchat, instagram, and musically. I sign up to all three and I follow all Zoe and Alfie's friends. They all follow me back. I go into marks post he put up of me and I look at the comments,
Catlover_: Who is the girl?  @markferris


Eleanor4sx: What zalfie a daughters insta?

I kept reading these until I fell asleep on Alfie.

Zoe's POV

I was watching TV when I noticed that Nia fell asleep on Alfie who was sleeping also. Me and Alfie said we would tell the viewers about Nia at 7 tonight and it's 6:49 pm so I cuddled into Alfie other arm and took a selfie and posted it on instagram.

 Me and Alfie said we would tell the viewers about Nia at 7 tonight and it's 6:49 pm so I cuddled into Alfie other arm and took a selfie and posted it on instagram

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Welcome to the family @niamh

Hey guys
So I'm not gonna put my insta in bc my insta is private so for everything except youtube will be jus @niamh
Bye! X
445 words.

The girls story (A zalfie fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now