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Nias POV

I wake up to the feel of Zoe shaking me.

Wake up it you big day!" Zoe say in a soft tone voice .

She walks off and I go and get changed I had a shower yesterday so I don't need another one today so I just put on a white adidas top with the logo at the top right side and black stripes on the shoulders, I tie a knot at the bottom corner because the shirts a bit long. I also put on demien shorts, slide on my matallic addias shoes and put my hair in braids. I vlog my outfit and go to the bathroom to do my teeth etc.
Alfie is still in bed but his and Zoe's panel isn't until later. When Zoe and I are finished getting ready, we head downstairs to get breakfast and then get into our cab.

(At the convention) ( I am here an hour)

It's been an hour since I've got here and I am sitting at a table back stage waiting for James to come. Zoe went back to the hotel to get a bit more sleep before her panel. I saw more photos of James and this girl on insta and she is commenting all this stuff saying oh yes we're in love and people are telling me JIA is over and it's my fault!

I go out of Instagram and play MR JUMP( This game is amazing #notspons)

"Hey" I hear a voice say
It was James

" Hey! I missed you !" I turned around and hugged him , I don't want to fight with him so I'll just act cool.

" sorry about yesterday... and all them photos and mean things people are saying to you, and if your wondering no she isint my girlfriend, I like some else anyways."

Aww he apologized
I wonder who he likes😉😉

" I mean it's not like #jia is real right?" He fakes laughed

I knew he likes me and I like him back what do I say?!

"Well.." I muttered

"What?" He questioned

I shrugged my shoulders and he smiles

"Sorry to interrupt but yous need to get on stage!" Exclaimed Amy. She's our organizer for all my family and friends meet ups.

We are going up one at a time. We go up the steps and wait for our que. Amy speaks a few words and then announces James name
He goes out and fans scream. I am excited about this but there is one question that I don't want fans to ask. It was then my turn. I walk out and fans went mental. James comes over and hugs me . Everyone there were shouting "JIA JIA JIA JIA " until we sat down.  We answered a few questions , I was so happy no questions were asked about JIA because I wouldn't know how to respond .Amy called us out for a 2 minute break. We got small food and drink and we were back on stage just like that. This time we decided to come out together. We planned that I would go on his back and I'd record it on my sc. we ran out and fans screamed . He set me down and we continued the panel. On the last question a girl asked "when are you gonna do a meet& greet Niamh?"
I was gonna answer but James did it for me
" well actually I have a meet &greet in a hour after this and I was hoping you wanna come?"
Fans cheer with excitement. I look at Amy and she nods her head.
" I might come for the last bit" We say our final goodbyes a leave the stage. When we get off I thank James for doing the q and a with me , I also offered him to come and join me doing the meet & greet for a while if he wanted to and he said yeah!

James went over to max and Harvey and I went over to book a cab for me to get back home so I can sleep before Zoe and alfies panel I arrive at the hotel and run in . I take the stairs to make me more tired . When I knock on the door Zoe answers I remember telling her about the the last minute meet &greet and she didn't mind, I also told her about the panel and then falling asleep.

I wake up to the noise of a speaker playing loud music. " AHHH" I scream. " sorry I didn't mean to put it that loud " it's was Alfie.
" why are you not at your q and a?" I questioned
"Well it's re skeudled so it's now on in 3 days and me and Zoe have decided we might stay here for a week extra , but you on the other hand ... guess what ." He walks over to my bed. "  The leblanc s are going home 2 days after we do so you are gonna pack a few bags and stay with them for a month!" I spoke.
"YAYAYAYAYAYAUAYAYSAYAYSGSJXNFND" I started jumping on the bed . I thanked them a million times "it's alright but go back to sleep it 10pm!"

10pm? JAMES

I quick text him and apologize, then switch off my phone a drift off back to sleep.

(Soz for any spelling mistakes)

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