Hang out day

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Guys you might wanna read the panel again bc I changed it a bit x

Also this was written really late so I am tired. So any mistakes down judge
Nias POV

I wake up to a text and a few notifications.

My love ing family ( group chat): hey love me and Alf have gone to breakfast, hope you wake up when you get this , James and oli are taking you somewhere in 30 minutes! Xx

I get out of bed and decided to take a mirror selfie and post in on my snap. I put in the caption " excited!"

I turn on Bluetooth and connect my phone to the speaker and play "Monday loop" . I then run into the bathroom and take a two minute shower.

When I came out , I went with a adidas outfit clothing wise . I grabbed my bag and waited until James and oil came. I don't think I wanna vlog today so I'll just say I was away

Minutes later I hear a knock at my door.  I grabbed the key card open the door,it was James . Say hi and apologize about not coming. He didn't mind.

As we walk to to elevator he told me there was bodyguards waiting at the elevator because there is so many people at the lobby.

He wasn't kidding , when we walked out I felt like my eardrums broke. 8 bodyguards just so we wouldn't get killed. I wonder who is here that so famous. I get a quick glance of a poster a girl was holding . I couldn't believe it, it said JIA on it with pictures of times we have shared.

They couldn't all be there for us?

When we finally get to the cab I say hi do oil and talk a bit. Oli was at the window seat, James was in the middle and I was at the other side. Oli starts filming.

" so you Niamh have no idea where we are going right?" I nod my head

"Wait , yous? I thought you were coming ."

" Actually I was hoping you would bring my camera and vlog your day!"

" so you want us to get content for you." We all burst out in laughter.
We agreed to take it.

We arrive at the gates. Oli gives James our tickets and some money.

We were told to go to the Disney office so we can get a bodyguard to make sure we don't get squished or mobbed.
Disney was so nice to let us have security. Disney was packed(full) today and nearly everyone there noticed us.

A few hours later

It's was time for us to go home. We were super hyper. I had a great day

We got a cab back to the hotel but there was nobody there to help us get past the crowd .

We couldn't sit in the Uber for ever so we had to get out . great.

I was so scared , there was so many people. This little girl asked me to sign her book so I did , I then lost James in the crowd , great. I start shouting his name . I look around but see him nowhere . I feel something take hold of my wrist and pull. I crouch down and follow it praying it was James. I hear more louder screams so I'm guessing it is Him but I think people think me and him are holding hands. I just heard him laughing so yeah it's him. He presses the button. We were squished up between fans and the elevator . I put my cap down lower James turns around " Guys me and Nia loves you guys but please can you back up a bit?" He asks. They apologized and made a circle so we had space . I heard a fan shout " Niamh we saw you do and Ariel can you do it?" I turn around . " you need to back up a bit more"
They did what I said . I just realized James was holding my wrist the whole time. I cover my mouth and gasp. I walk over a bit so I can do the Ariel. James has no idea what this is so he looks clueless. I clap my hands to start a wave. I run and do it, a side Ariel. Everyone claps and screams. The elevator opened and I pushed James into the elevator. I waved bye to everyone and then the doors closed. " HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" He was so confused.
I laughed " I guess I just taught myself. We end Oli's vlog and put his camera in my bag. He texted James telling us to go to James and his hotel room as my parents are there and we are getting pizza , yay!
When We knock on the door Alfie answers. I hug him and we go in.

When we finished our pizza Zoe suggested we go to our hotel and watch a movie. It sounded fun! James said he had brought a onesie with him and I freaked out because I brought one too. He got changed into his and we then headed over. We went in and I got changed. I had a unicorn and James had a dinosaur. All of a sudden I had this brilliant idea.

"Hey James?"

"Yeah?" He responds

"Do you wanna go out on the hallway and act all hyper for my vlog since I haven't vlogged today?"


I grab my vlog camera and we go
Out to the hall. I turn it on and start recording.

"Hey guys so I'm here with James!" He waves awkwardly and I laugh
" anyways we went to universal today together, if you wanna see the head over to his brothers channel, but that means I didn't vlog today yet , so me and James are gonna goof around right here right now in this hallway!"

I set the camera down the bottom of the hallway and ran up to the top.

"Do you flippything" James cheered.

I didn't just do a Ariel , I did all kind of things , James tried re-creating some of the moves. Turns out he can do a cartwheel! Sorta

We also danced a bit too, I thought we were gonna get kicked out we were that loud!

It's such a shame he has to go back to the UK on Friday 🙁

I ended the clip. It was 56mins 24secs long , I'll enjoy editing that.

We went back into the room and logged into my Netflix. I put on the movie sing, I love this movie!
Halfway through the movie, I felt tired. I told myself sleeping wasent and option, but resting you eyes was,

5 minutes




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