Vidcon prt . 2

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James POV

A few loud gunshots went off and Niamh I freaking out . She then suddenly stops ... I think she's out cold.

I call Oli, he picks up thank god.

O: "James where are you, are you ok?!"

J: "Oli Niamh is passed out on my lap and we are in the secret room in the ballpit . What's going on up there??"

O: "James there are shooter in the building I repeat there are shooters, stay down there until I call you to let you know it's safe."

J: " Bro your gonna have to come get me when it's over, my phone is 17%"

O: " stay calm police are on the way , keep niamh safe."

J:" will do bye"

I hung up. I look down at Nia, still laying on my lap. I carefully lift up her head , I take my jacket off and replace me lap with my jacket . I lay down on the other half( of the jacket) and attempt to have a snooze.

A few hours later...

Nias POV


My eyes opened wide. I saw James turn around but not wake. I slowly reached for my phone to check the time 3:44am.... AM?!
Did we just have a sleepover?

I had no choice but to wake James, it's too cold. I shake him lightly and he starts to waken.
" oh , hi Niamh... how long were we sleeping?"

"About 7 In a half hours."

"Woah.." there was an awkward silence "it's very cold in here."


I look down at the ground for a second , so does he. I grab my phone and sit beside him. We take turns on playing arrow shots until we got fed up.

I tried to FaceTime Zoe.  She answers immediately.

"NIAMH! Are you and James ok? I have been trying to call you but our phones are glitching!" She blurbs out so fast I could barely understand her.

" yes we're are fine. Can we come out yet it's really cold."

"Honey , you have to give me your details first. There is still one shooter in there, police will come get you"

I explain where we were and she ends the call. I can't believe Zoe is still up this late.I start shaking. James puts his coat around me. I thanked him. We decided to go and see if the coast is clear. The balls are very loud so we have to move slow. When we finally made it out , the first thing we do is go to the last place I left my camera
+ bag . The intire place was vacant. I am shocked because they were still there . I turn on the camera and explain everything. I heard a noise coming from behind us . It was a man with a knife.
"RUN" James shouts.
We both sprint , I heard the man running behind me. "JAMES!" He turns back and sees him catching up. He runs back , grabs my wrist and runs as fast as he could. James must have seen police as he was screaming help. 3 men Were running towards us while 5 others were sorting out  the shooter. We were both got  wrapped in tin foil, then were put into ambulance beds to relax until our parents arrived. I shut my eyes and then is went dark.

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