Taking over

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Nia's POV

"Nia..Nia! Wake up... It's nine, and Anne Isn't up yet..."

 A soft whisper disturbs my light slumber and I stir, brown eyes flickering open to see Molly, one of the younger girls blinking down at me. Her brother Milo was clutching at her legs.

I stretch for a moment and yawn softly, sitting up as her words register in my mind. "Huh?" 

I slip down the stairs quickly and all I see is chaos... Children arguing and fighting, and running around making a mess of the place! Where is Anne? I practically run to the office  and grab the key for the kitchen. I'm the only kid that knows about the key, as Anne knew that the kids would raid through all the cupboards... What should I make though? 'Let's look something up quickly.'


I scroll through a few posts until I finally find a simple breakfast recipe! The computer wasn't a portable laptop, Just a big chunky one that was stuck to the desk. It's been at this orphanage for like, 30 years...so I can't really bring it to the kitchen... Dang it! Guess I'll just print it out. I grab the sheet from the photocopier quickly as more screaming begins to sound from the kitchen hallway and I scramble back over to the work tops. Maybe... I could try something new... Scrambled eggs on toast sounded nice! Hopefully the kids liked that though! 

Making the eggs is easy, but takes me a while to make enough for all twenty, including me and Anne. Maybes'm not that bad of a cook after all! The only bad part about all this fun is the cleaning up after everyone had gone... Of course, I did it again anyways... It takes time, but when I'm done, I tip-toe up the stairs to check on our carer.

Knocking three times on her door, I see her still fast asleep as I peep around the door. I shake her shoulder gently and she began to stir with a quiet "Hm... Why are you awake before me?". I quickly explained to her what has gone on and what I'd done for the kids to let her sleep in.

"I am so sorry Nia, I'm just so tired. I barely even remember going to bed." She hushes softly, her voice lined with sleep. "It's okay Anne, I don't mind. But it's almost ten now...and i think there are people coming at--" "At eleven! Oh dear, give me a second to get ready!" I said trying to Cheer her up. She nodded as we both exited out of her room. For the rest of the day I was just taking care of the children while Ann arranges for tomorrow.

Today was rough hopefully tomorrow goes well...

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