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Nia's POV

My eyes widened when I saw the two people standing in front of me. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I was very
Nervous. It was Zoe and Alfie, my two favourite people in the world and now they are right infront of me...

"What's your name?" Zoe said. "

Niamh" I replied. " I like that name! Niamh...

"Oh dear better go! We are being called over to check in! Bye now!" I never wanted that voice to leave.

I scrambled up the stairs as fast as I could. I felt sick. I open the trapdoor and fell onto my uncomfortable bed in tears. Was I not good enough?

30 minutes later

I hear a small knock on my trapdoor. I quickly wipe my tears away and unlock it. I was in shock, I didn't know what to do...


Me and Alfie were allowed upstairs to go see all the children. We wanted a child around eleven to twelve so went to find Nia's room. We couldn't until I noticed a sign at the bottem of the long hallway that had and arrow pointing up. I looked up and saw a string. I tried to pull it but it wouldn't buge. I saw a stick in the corner, I grabbed it and poked the top of it up on the ceiling to see if someone would let down a ladder. A couple of seconds later the hatch was unlocked. A small thin ladder fell from the square hole in the ceiling. I climbed up the ladder slowly, I can't wait to see Niamh again, and it's only been a half hour!

Once we got up threw the small trapdoor I saw Niamh running back over to her bed( for any1 who doesn't know how to say Niamh it's said neev but spelt Niamh because it's an Irish name.)

I walked over to her, her hair was messed up and her eyes were all puffy and red I could tell she was crying. I put my arm around her, Alfie joined us. All three of us sat on her bed hugging for at least 2 minutes until I broke the silents.

" Are you ok?" I said hoping for an answer. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes."yes, I am now"

Nia's POV

I ran straight back over to my bed, I didn't want Zoe and Alfie to see the red blotches under my eyes so I looked down at the covers. I heard footsteps getting closer and felt like I was about to panic just as I heard myself breathing a bit louder a arm brought me into a hug. I felt safe happy, the pending panic it was never there. Another person joined in on the hug and I knew who it was. The silents was broken by a soft voice I love to hear.

" Are you ok " Zoe asked me. I respond with a yes. I knew she knew that I wasen't . " Then what's with the tears N?" Another voice said. I burst into tears, " I've just been in this place too long now and a really want to get out of here. I have been adopted and then taken back because I was pretty enough or wasen't like them. You and Alfie are my last hope and if this dosen't work I am going to be sent to a orphanage in America! I let it all out, I can't believe I just did that...
" well I am really sorry Nia.." my heart dropped. " we have already sighed the papers!" A high and happy voice said. "WHAT?!" My hand on my mouth, I finally get out of this place and into a real home! " And don't worry, we promise we will never let you go..."

Cliffhanger I know sorry!
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