He is james

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A week after the accident, the day we head to vidcon.

Nias POV
I feel so much better this week. To be honest I really don't like remembering it so I just moved on. I packed all my stuff last night for today, I am sooo excited, everyone is going, apparently someone called Jim and tayna have a child and there some more brittish kids too . I am also meeting Annie Leblanc and Hayden summerall tomorrow aswell . All the kids are apparently going shopping? I don't know . I go outside and put my sutecase in the back. I then go sit in the car .

3 hours later.

Me and my family arrive at the airport and I see joe, Casper , Louise , Jim , Tanya, oil etc (the gang )
I meet everyone, sadly Jim and taynas daughter couldn't make it she is sick but I met Olis brother.... I have a big crush on him, he's super cute!😌

I keep glancing at him and he glances back, Zoe notices and pulls me aside.
"So you think he cute?" She giggles.
I look behind me and see him once again, I then quickly look back and smile and nod at Zoe . She squeals and does a little dance . I try to stop her because it embarrising. He starts laughing.....

We board the plane. We are first class. I go to my seat. I am in the centre of first class so it's a mini door you do through and it's two seat beside each other also to windows that open and close. Just as I settle and get everything ready. A boy comes and sits beside me . "Do you mind if I sit here?" He says in a fake royal type of voice. Why you may " I say back. If you don't already know who I am talking about, I was James . My window was open and Zoe and Alfie were watching me and look and wave because they were vlogging, they told their viewers about me 3 days ago and there was no hate! People want me to be apart of the meet and greet now!

The whole plane ride me and James talked , laughed and I may have given him my number....
We were just about to land and I felt really scared. James looked conserned. He asked me if I was ok. "I'm fine " I said " I just never feel safe when a planes landing" I say blushing. James nods and leans back to watch the last part of finding dory. I look on my phone on Instagram. The second we hit the ground, I let out a little squeal and without noticing I grabbed James arm. He just look at me for a second and laughed. That was imbassising

I know this was CRINGY but hey!
-n X

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