Frostbite (Jack Frost X Reader FanFic)

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(A/N) Hey guys! This is my first book I've ever made. I just loved reading fan fictions and these ones seemed popular. PLUS Jack Frost is just ADORABLE!! Thanks guys!! Excuse my poor grammar mistakes!! I am hoping to post once or twice a week. Love you all!!


My eyes widened when I saw a black sand come from the top of the hill. In it's way was a man with a blue sweatshirt, brown pants, and hair as white as snow. That is all I could make out, he was too far away to tell anything else. The black sand struck the boy and he fell to the ground. I was crying, but I don't know why. Then, I heard a rustling behind me. I turn around to see the same black sand coming right at me.

Before it hit my face, I woke up. What. Was. That. Who was that boy? Where did the black sand come from? Why did I cry when that boy died? Then, I noticed a book on my lap called, "The Rise Of The Guardians." I remember reading that before I went to bed. This book was my escape from a lonely childhood. Kids would pick on me, and I didn't have any friends. But, since the moment my father got it for me for my 7th birthday, I believed with all my heart that the guardians were real. I still do. I will never stop believing. They helped me without even knowing who I am. I wouldn't have gotten through elementary school without them.

I looked at the clock, 5:30. For the next thirty minutes,I reread the book on my lap. Then, my mom came and knocked on the door. "Honey, it's time for you to get up! Breakfast is downstairs on the kitchen table. I have to go to my meeting. Don't want to be late! Enjoy your Saturday! Love you!"

My mother was always so nice to me. It was sad that I was going to move out next year. I will miss her and my sister, Danielle. She is that little 6 year old that you want to walk up to and just squeeze her little cheeks. Right when I was about to go downstairs I looked in the mirror to find my (h/c) hair all frizzy and tangled. Imagine a lion's mane after it has been through a windy blizzard. Then wrestling with a porcupine, and going right in the middle of a car crash. That's my hair. I didn't care, my sister didn't care, so I didn't change a thing. I remembered my dream. A million questions ran through my head at the same time. It was the same questions over and over. Then, I saw frost spread on the window. My eyes grew wide and I gasped. I looked outside to find piles and piles of fresh snow. It snowed last night!! 'SNOW DAY!!' you screamed in your mind. I thought and realized it was the guardian of fun, Jack Frost. I giggled and mumbled ,"Oh, Jack Frost." I walked down to the kitchen table to find some pancakes with syrup on a plate at my favorite spot of the table, the cushioned chair. My sister was sitting on the opposite end of the table with her pancakes and pool of syrup. "Don't you think that's too much syrup?" I teased.

"Never! You can never have too much syrup!" Danielle said with a whiny voice.

I rolled my eyes and began to eat. I was deep in thought, still thinking about that dream. Why did I have that dream? It wasn't even realistic! Not that I cared. I am not realistic myself. I was always an imaginative person. I liked to draw and write books about far off lands and fairies. I was never into that "reality" thing. "Are you ok, (y/n)? You seem awfully quiet," Danielle stated. I must have dozed off for quite awhile.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just..." I trailed off. "I'm finished. Are you? May I take your plate for you?" I offered.

"Yes please! Thanks, (y/n). You're the best!" She hugged me before handing me her plate.

"Your welcome. You can go read or play on the television until it is 12:00. Then, you should go play with the neighborhood kids in the snow."

"Well, why can't I play with the neighbors NOW?" she whined.

I giggled. "It is too early, darling," I said as I washed our dishes.

"Okay. Thanks, (y/n)," she pouted.

I decided to go in the back garden to draw. I think it would be pretty if I draw our snowy backyard as the setting of my idea of little snow fairies doing their jobs. So, I got on my coat, pants, boots, hat, and scarf on to go outside. Before I could open the door, Danielle ran up to me and tugged on my sleeve. "Can I come?" she begged.

I sighed and said, "Ok! But first, we have to get you dressed!" She ran upstairs and was back in two minutes all ready to go into the snow. I giggled at how anxious she was. We slid outside and she started to build a snowman. She was too adorable when she was excited. I went and sat on the bench. I took in my surroundings. I put my pencil to my paper. Then, I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.

"Whatcha drawing there, snowflake?"

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