Chapter 4: I Can't Stop It

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Now for me to draw and listen to music. I get my sketchpad, iPhone, pencil, and speakers. I set up my music, hit play, and start to draw. Not too long after, Danielle comes running back in. "(y/n)! Jack needs you to come out. He won't take no for an answer. He said he will literally break this door down."

Ug. The last person I wanted to see right now. I guess one more little "playdate" couldn't hurt.

"Alright. Tell him I'm coming," I moped.

I trudge out the door after I get my coat on. I grab my phone right before I leave, but I accidentally dropped it when I picked it up. I grab it again and check for... Wonderful! I have a new crack un my phone. I sigh, put my phone in my pocket, and leave the house. When I see Jack, I had to fake a smile for a little bit (just to mask how much I didn't want to see him) until I saw his eyes. His eyes are gorgeou- NO! We discussed this, (y/n)! Pull it together!

I stepped off the doorstep, "Hey there, snowflake. About time you joined the party."

He smirked his world-famous smirk as I practically swooned inside. "Hey, Jack. Sorry, I had to finish some homework."

"You don't have to apologize. Now, come on! Let's go have some fun!"

"Alright, what do you want to do?"

"How about we make snow forts. Whosever can withstand the most amount of snowballs wins! Sound good?"

"I WANNA PLAY! Please please please, (y/n)!" Danielle whined.

"I've already won," I teased as I stuck my tongue out and got to work. Wait a second...

"Jack! You can't use magic. It's not fair! That's an official rule!" I said as I stomped my foot.

"But, then it's not as fun!"

"You'll have plenty fun! We shall start the game.. NOW!"


"No buts, no cuts, no coconuts!" I shouted as I started to gather some snow into a pile. I guess I'll just see what happens.

"Alright..." He faked being sad and got to work.

An hour later, I have finished my fort as Jack is still working on his. All the while, Danielle has successful made a three foot wall with a snow angel behind it. However, I can't see anything behind this six foot wall Jack has created. I peek behind the wall and see him is using magic. "JACK FROST! You broke the rule," I said as I pretended to be offended.

"What can I say? Have I told you I am #1 on the naughty list?"

"What? Jack Frost is naughty? Why, I would have never guessed," I smirk.

He has a castle big enough for one or maybe two. Maybe, on the inside it is bigger than it is on the outside like the Tardis. Maybe, just maybe Jack and I could fit in there togeth- NO! Stop it! It would never work out. I mean he is... Ugh, I give up. I'm on a one way train to heart break with no way to stop it. I can't stop crushing on Jack Frost. What else can I do? I can't stop my thoughts, I can't throw them away. I think I just have to hope he return's the feelings one day. But, then it would be hard on him when I die even IF he returns the feelings. He would probably leave me when I start to get old anyways. I just don't want my heart to break. I don't want to be alone fore-

"Hello? Earth to (y/n)?" Jack teased as he waved a hand in my face.

"Sorry, just got lost in thought."

Now, my only thoughts are about that dream and how Pitch knew about my deepest fear - being alone all my life. I felt tears on their way, but I choked them down for the sake of myself, my sister, and my mother.

"It's alright. You ready to lose?"

"You broke the rules, remember? You are disqualified," I mocked.

"What? Na ah!"

"Yah huh! That was one of the rules. However, I still would like to see your snow castle. It looks amazing."

He smirked. "I know."

I don't know how, but his cockiness actually looked good on him. "Now, start pelting our snow forts with snow-" I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a spider made of ice. "Jack, what i-is that?"

"What, are you afraid of little Sparky?" He teased as he picked him up and waved him in my face. I can't take this anymore. This reminds me too much of my nightmare. I'm done. On the verge of tears, I choked out, "I have to go f-finish some homework. Bye."

I ran and didn't look back. I had to get into the house so they wouldn't see me cry. I shut the door and went upstairs to my room to sob into my bed. What? It is a very traumatizing experience for e teenage girl.I locked the door to my room and tried to muffle my sobs into my pillow so my sister wouldn't know what is going on. I just hope Jack doesn't think I'm mad at him or anything. It is not his fault I ran upstairs. It is stupid Pitch's. I sat there for a few minutes, trying to calm down, then trying to think about something else.

Then, I hear a tap on the window.

Frostbite (Jack Frost X Reader FanFic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora