Chapter 23: I Can See!

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of self harm. Please, don't do hurt yourself! If you want to talk, message me! I know everyone says that, but I honestly want to help! I get what you're going through! I've been through it too! I want to help you! Love you all!

"See you around," I black out.


I wake up to see a yeti fiddling with my IV bag. He looks at me and his eyes widen. He goes running out of the room, hands failing about, babbling unintelligible nonsense. I CAN SEE!! It worked!! I look around and I don't think I've ever appreciated color more than I do now. I see tan walls, a red fireplace, golden curtains, a green tree out the window, pink flowers beside me. Everything just looks wonderful!! I'm never going to get used to this! Everything looks even better than it did before. The door bursts open and I see Jack and North running in.


North and I rush in to see if the yeti was right. I sit next to her bed and look into her eyes. Her beautiful eyes have returned to their natural color. "(Y/n)," is all I can get out before she hugs me. I hug her back. "Jack! I can see again!" She exclaims.

"I'm so happy for you!" I reply.

She pulls away and puts her hand on my cheek. She smiles and turns to look at North, she hugs him too. "It's so nice to see you guys again!" (Y/n) says.

"We shall celebrate!" North yells.

"YAAAY!!" She says.

I laugh. She's still (y/n). "How long was I out?" She asks.

"Only a few days, but enough to allow your wound to heal a little bit," North says.

"I don't feel a thing!" She reassures.

"Good good. I shall start cooking!"

"GGoooooo NORTH!" She cheers.

He laughs and leaves. She looks over at me. "Don't EVER do that again, you stupid, stupid girl!" I say.

"I'll always do what's ever needed to keep you alive," she replies. "Because I can't live without you."

"I couldn't live without you," I say.

She puts her lips on mine. I tangle my hands in her hair, and her hands go on my chest. You have no idea how long I've waited for that. After forever, she pulls away. Her forehead is on mine. "Love you, boo," she whispers

"Love you too, princess. Wanna watch a movie?"

"I'd love to!" She says.

"Which one do you want to watch?"

"Surprise me!"

I smile and leave to get the movie player and the DVD. I'm planning to find a horror one. I love how she lays just a little bit closer to me when we watch one. She's just adorable!

In case your wondering, I dropped Danielle off at Tooth Palace for a little while. She wanted to go see Tooth and her little fairies.

I grab Paranormal Activity 2 and the movie player. I hear a (y/n) scream. I fly over to her room to find her looking at the wall with huge eyes. I look at the wall and see a huge spider. "You had me scared to death! I thought it was a serious issue," I tease.

"This is serious. I'm pretty sure the thing is going to start the apocalypse. Kill it before it's too late!" She hides behind a pillow.

I chuckle and freeze it, then shatter the ice. "Are we good now?" I ask.

"Yep! What did you bring?" She questions.

"Paranormal Activity 2," I smirk.

"You know I don't like scare movies!"

"I know you secretly love them."

"Whatever," she scoffs," Just put the disc in and get your butt over here!"

I set up the movie player and put the disc in. We both get under the covers and watch the movie. She squeals and buries her face in my sweatshirt every so often. I love her so much. I'm so glad she can see again. I've always loved her (e/c) eyes. They light up my world. I look down at her, and eventually she looks back up at me. "What?" She giggles.

"You're beautiful," I whisper.

"Jack!" She blushes and playfully shoves me.


"You don't need to sugarcoat anything," she mumbles.

"But I'm not."

"Jack. We both know you are."

She says it like its as plain as day. Like she says it all the time. Like this is normal. "(Y/n), you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I'll shout it to the world if I have to," I get an idea. I'll literally shout it.

When she realizes what I'm doing, she cuts me off by kissing me. Her hands come to my face and my hands to her waist.

--- A/N --
Guys, I cut out the last part of the chapter because I realized that I was romanticizing depression, and that's not cool. Depression is not a beautiful, perfect girl crying with her loving boyfriend comforting her. It's a mental disorder that changes people's lives. It ruins relationships and the people with depression if it's severe. The part that I took out is not important to the plot, so, don't worry, you won't miss it too much.

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