Chapter 6: Lava Carpet

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The night after my little break down, Jack, Danielle, and I did things to get my mind off of the nightmare. We had fun in the snow, cracked jokes by the fire, and watched a few movies. I found out my mom was doing exactly what I thought she was doing, drinking herself out of the memory of Dad's death.

Anyways, this was the last night until Jack leaves to talk to the guardians about Pitch.. DARN IT! What if they go fight him and he gets hurt?

While Mom was upstairs working, we invited Jack into the house and had dinner. I insisted I cook, but Jack crowned himself Master Chef, so he cooked. Danielle and I were hanging out with him in the kitchen while he cooks. I got an idea.

"Hey, Danielle? Would you like to play a game that I call 'Lava Carpet'? It's where we pretend the carpet is lava, so we can't step on it."

"Yah! That sounds like fun!" She giggled and already started hopping on the furniture. Of course, our kitchen had hard wood floors, so she went into the living room.

"I challenge you to make it to the fireplace and back! Go!"

She giggles as she cautiously jumps from chair to chair, couch to table. I'm surprised at how well she can navigate without falling.

"I'm here! What do I get?"

"Hmmmm.. Jack, what do you think?"

"I believe she should win a big trophy! As big as me! With confetti popping out the top! Then, a bunch on ballerina hippos will come out and sing for her! Sound good, Snowflake?" Jack proposed.

"Yah, because we have that right in the closet over there. Let me go retrieve it," you huff sarcastically.

I walk around the carpet, on the couch, onto the mat. But, right before I get to the tile around the closet, my foot touches the carpet.

"MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! I touched the carpet! My foot has been burnt to a stub!"

"(insert nickname here)! I'm coming!"

"Don't! You're only risking yourself!" I recite dramatically. "I bet I can walk with just a stub. Oh yah! There are my old crutches in the closet. Let me just hobble on over."

Danielle giggles and Jack just smiles and shakes his head. I get my crutches and maneuver them and myself around the carpet yet again. I make it back to the kitchen!

"See? It's as easy as pie," I brag.

Jack turns around and smirks at you. "That was amazing! How could you ever achieve such a thing? I shall dub thee 'Princess of Lava Carpets'."

"I knew this day would come! Yes!" I yell as I do my little happy dance. It proved to be harder than usual because of my crutches. I'm sure Mother thinks I'm just talking to Danielle.

Everybody laughs and I have, yet, another idea.

"I saw we turn on some music! Is everyone with me?" Everyone high fives.

"Yes!" Danielle and Jack say simultaneously.

"Okey dokey! Let me go grab my phone," I say. I'm already halfway up the stairs by the time they respond. When I get to my room, I see black sand. "Hello, my little flower."

I am frozen with fear.

"Did you miss me?"

After snapping out of my fear, I decided to make myself intimidating. See if he'll go away. "What do you want?" I hissed.

"My, my. Where are your manners?"

"Go away! You're not welcome here!"

"Alright, but just remember this, I will have you. You will come over to my side. You see, you're special. You have a lot of potential, I can just see it! And, of course, you can see me. Nobody has seen me since the dark ages. Therefore, I will have you!"

He leaves after some of his sand hits me, making me scream, and fall to the ground. It hurts everywhere. Must b a 'magical' slap... I hear a bunch of foot steps and my name over and over. However, I don't hear my mom's voice. She must be asleep. She works too hard.

"(y/n)!" Danielle yelped.

"(y/n)! What happened?" Jack cried.

Thy kneeled by my side and helped me sit up properly.

"Pitch... he was here," I said quietly, trying to regain the wind that was knocked out of me.

"D**** it! {Watch your language, Jackie-poo!} I knew it! I knew he would come back! I should go tell the guardians before this gets out of hand," Jack stated.

"You must go now?" Danielle whined.

"Yah, I'm sorry, Snowflake. But, if I don't go now, who knows what's going to happen?" Jack argued gently. He flew out the window, and I didn't even get to say good bye.

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