Chapter 3: Meeting Pitch

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I shook the snow off my boots and came inside. I looked behind me to see Danielle and her neighborhood friends were taunting Jack about something in the garden outside, although I couldn't hear them. Jack's face turned bright red and it looked like he was countering Danielle. I just shook my head and called out to her, "Hurry up, Danielle! The cold is getting into the house. We don't want that now do we?" I teased.

"Coming!" she practically screamed.

Those few hours were probably the best hours of my life.


You threw a huge snowball right at Jack's stomach and he toppled over. You did too, but out of laughter. You were clutching your stomach and looking at the ground, so you couldn't see Jack get up and make a huge supply of snowballs. You hear Jack's voice above you, "You think you're so funny."

Before you know it, a huge amount of snowballs come flying at you. You tried to cover shield your eyes with your hands, but you still got snow in your eyes. You were in a huge snow pile. You decided to trick him back, so you made a little hole to breath through and pretended to pass out. After awhile, you heard Jack call your name over and over. He dug through, but you grabbed a little snowball before he could see you. You see the light through your eyelids, open your eyes a tiny bit, spot your target, and through a bunch of snow in his face.

You laughed and ran away. He just smirked and ran after you. You played with the kids in a snowman-making contest and, of course, he won. All morning and afternoon, you guys kept playing until the sun was starting to go down.

End of flashback

I think I'm in love with Jac- NO! NO! NO! You know it would never work out, (y/n). Besides, he is a guardian and you're a mere mortal. I shake my head to try and get rid of my thoughts. If I push it to the back of my mind, I'll probably just forget about it.

I hear little footsteps and the door slamming. "That was so fun, (y/n)! Can we do it tomorrow?" she pleaded.

"Sure!" I said.

Then I remembered that I would have to see Jack again. I mentally face palm. I can be such an idiot sometimes.

-Time Skip brought to you by the wonderful Tooth Fairy

I shoot up, waking up from the same nightmare (from chapter 1) I had last night. I was gripping the blankets and hyperventilating. I look around and see what I think is black sand recede into the corner. I froze out of fear as the sand whirls around in little circles. That's the sand from my dream! All of a sudden, I hear a dark, intimidating voice. "Hello, sunshine. It looks like I finally get to meet the girl."

I scream and try to make myself as small as possible. "Who is this guy?" you scream in your head.

After a long pause, I look up to see him grinning creepily. Out of slight anger, I finally work up the courage to ask him a question. "Who a-are y-you?" I manage to get out. Boy, do I sound like a scared five year old. "Oh my sand, excuse me. I hadn't have anyone to talk to years. I'm still learning my manners. I'm Pitch, or so fondly known to the public, the boogeyman."

My eyes widen. The boogeyman! The one from my book! I start to tremble and shake in fear.

He pauses. "You see, I create nightmares, just like the ones you have."

He makes a tarantula out of his black sand and holds it near my face. Me, being the spider hater I am, shriek and recede further into the corner. "Ah, I haven't felt this nice in ages. Nobody seems to be afraid as you."

I finally get peeved off at his last remark and yell, "You don't know me!"

"That may be true, but I know you're deepest fears. I know that you fear being alone forever. Just like ol' Jackie-poo."

I ignore his last statement and can only think about being alone.. FOREVER! My eyes widen and I start to silently cry. "That's not going to happen! Get OUT of my room, you perv!!"

He starts to get angry, I can see it in his eyes. He creates a bunch of those murderers you see in horror movies an they all slowly start to corner me. Great, another one of my greatest fears. I know it is not real and I am trying to convince myself of it, but it's not working. I scream and cry out for help. Before they bring their knives to my face, I wake up. Dream Inception?

"(y/n)! (y/n)! Are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep! What happened?" Danielle screeched.

I hug her and start to silently cry. She hugs back hesitantly, not knowing what happened. Let's hope she doesn't ask about it later. That was easily the scariest thing I've every had to go through. We sit there for I-don't-know how long, but I do know she fell asleep. I was still wide awake. I couldn't fall asleep. I wanted to get a book, but I didn't want to wake her. So, I just sat there with nothing to think about than my dre-... nightmare.

I figured I must stay strong... If not for my own good, for Mother and Danielle. So, I try to shoo away the memory of the nightmare and resist from completely breaking down again.

Soon enough, it is 9:00 AM and I nudge Danielle awake. "Hey, sweetie, time to get up." Then, I remembered Mom wasn't home. Where was she? She probably went to the bar and passed out. Poor girl. She always had her problems since Father died. We get up and get dressed for the day, though I don't feel like going outside. I need to think of something to tell Danielle to excuse me from going outside. I feel sick? No, then she would stay in and take care of me... I got nothin'. I guess I must. BUT I DON'T WANT TO! Think, (y/n), THINK! I have homework! Got it! Cool, ok. "(y/n)! Are you ready to go outside?"

"No, sorry. I can't. I have homework."

"Please! Please please please please!"

"I'm sorry. Now, go! Have fun, ya little cutie."

She looked disappointed but left anyways. Now for me to draw and listen to music. I get my sketchpad, iPhone, pencil, and speakers. I set up my music, hit play, and start to draw. Not too long after, Danielle comes running back in. "(y/n)! Jack needs you to come out. He won't take no for an answer. He said he will literally break this door down."

Ug. The last person I wanted to see right now. I guess one more little "playdate" couldn't hurt.

"Alright. Tell him I'm coming," I moped.

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