Chapter 9: The Idiot Teenager

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I woke up in a daze. I couldn't move much. Everything else hurt. I saw all of my arms and legs all bandaged up. Then it all came back to me. Pitch, Lucifer, getting shot at with black sand, and, last but not least, Jack. He's fine. He's fine! All those days of thinking that he was hurt, he's fine!! YES!!! I just don't know if he remember's me. He didn't say my name yesterday. He might just think I'm another teenage girl. But he cried.. He must recognize me. He didn't forget me!! YAY!! All that time starving myself over nothing. At least he's alright. Why didn't he tell me? I mean, it couldn't have hurt to drop by, right? Ugh... I won't yell at him... or I'll try not to. I love Jack too much to yell at him.

I tried opening my eyes. Stupid light hurts, man! I took a few minutes to open my eyes, then move my fingers. I feel something cold on my left hand. Awwww!! Jackie-poo stayed with me! He's too sweet for his own good. I turn my head to get a better look. His head was on the bed with his hand holding onto mine. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was all messed up (just the way I like it). I didn't want to wake him. So I guess I should just drift off into my own thoughts. Let's see here...

Where am I? It looks like a cozy cabin with a big fireplace. This is the North Pole Jack was telling me about! It's much bigger than I was told about. What else is there..

I don't think I am Manny's daughter. I don't have any powers or anything. I wonder if Manny even has a family. Where's my family? Wait... where's Danielle? WHERE'S DANIELLE?!? I shot straight up, but it hurt REALLY bad. I sucked in air quickly and lay back down. "(y/n)?" Jack said.

Darn it.. I woke him up.. He needs to rest. I can be such an idiot sometimes.. "Jack?"


He pulled me in for a bone-crushing hug. Wait... my bones were already crushed. You know what I mean. Even though it hurt, his cold skin numbed the pain.

"I didn't think you would make it out alive when I found you. I'm so sorry I didn't get there earlier. North said we should plan our attack. So, we waited to leave and made a plan. I'm so, so sorry," he apologized.

He was shaking. Awww! The winter spirit was crying, as was I. I was glad that we were both alive. He just kept mumbling into my shoulder, apologizing over and over.

"It's fine. It's not your fault. We're both fine, right? I was worried about you, too. I thought you were hurt or had forgotten about me," I explained. I couldn't talk very loudly, but it would work for now.

He pulled away and looked at me. "I could never forget you, (y/n). You're the best thing that has happened to me in centuries. I-I love you."

I looked at him astonished. Jack Frost loved me. Jack Frost loves the idiot teenager who can't dance, who isn't the prettiest in the world... who loves him just as much.

I smiled and pulled him by the string on his hoodies to my lips. His eyes were wide, but mine were closed. It took him awhile to get over his trance, but he started to kiss back. My arms went around his neck, and his delicately around my waist. However, all good things must come to an end. I pulled away from the need of air. "I love you too, Jackie."

He smiled so wide, I thought this was a cartoon of sorts. "Will you be my snowflake and fall for me?" Jack asked.

"Only if you will be my guardian and catch me," I smirked.

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