Chapter 19: The Woman Next To Me

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I start to shake. The woman next to me yells, "Remember me, guardians?"

Her voice echoes off of a dome ceiling more toward the top. The only dome ceiling is in the globe room, confirming my earlier suspicion of being on top of North's globe. "What do you want?!" Jack growls.

"My, my. You don't have to be so rude, Jack," She purs. That voice. It couldn't be...

"Let her go!" Tooth says.

"Did you all like my little countdown?" She asked. She sounds just like-

"Danielle, go back to bed..." Jack says quietly.

"Mom?" Danielle asks.

Danielle thinks it's her too! I can hear Jack pick Danielle up and fly her back to her room. "I'm not anyone's mother!" The woman states. "Anyways, I came here to give you all a message," She says.

Jack flies back in and says, "What might that be?"

"You must leave (y/n) in Trojan Forest within the next two weeks. ALONE," She orders.

"And if we don't?" North asks.

"Then the children of the world are all in danger," She hisses.

I can hear someone flying at a high speed and Jack yelling, "Get off of her!!"

"As you wish," she purs and drops me.

All the guardians gasp or call my name. I hit the globe with a nice crack and yelp in pain. I start to slide down. Before I can hit the ground, Jack catches me.

"Thanks, Jack," I whisper.

"We lost her!" North yells, disappointed the woman disappeared.

"Why did she want is to leave the girl at the forest?" Bunny asks.

"Doesn't matter. It's not happening," Jack says. He flies over to the couch and lies me down again.

"I think we should all go with her. See what the witch wants," Bunny recommended.

"I agree. We all go and hide while (y/n) talks to the witch," Tooth agrees.

Why are they all deciding this for me? "Guys! I'm going on my own," I said.

"No, you're not, (y/n)," Jack says.

"Yes. I am! You all have helped through the past year, and I've done absolutely nothing. It's my turn to get up and help."

It was silent for a minute before Jack softly said, "(y/n), you could die."

"I don't care what happens to me," I find his hand and intertwine my fingers with his, "You guys need to be safe."

It was quiet again. "Sandy, please go get some pain killers. North please go get ice and bandages. Bunny, a few towels. Tooth, needle and thread," Jack orders.

Geez, I must be scraped up pretty badly. Oddly, it doesn't hurt that much. I hear people walk over to the door and shut it. "(Y/n), I can't let you go by yourself. I just..." His voice cracks, "I don't want to lose you."

"But if I don't go, I might lose you," I whisper as my hand travels up his arm, to his neck, to his cheek.

He puts his hand over mine. "I'm sure we'll be able to stop her, whatever she does."

I smiled. He can be cocky and sweet at the same time. Jack is still Jack. I hear someone come into the room. "Danielle, what are you doing in here? I thought I told you to stay in your room," Jack says.

She completely ignores what Jack said, "(y/n)! Are you okay?" She worries.

"Yah, don't worry about me," I smile.

She sighs in relief, and grasps my hand as if it's the last time I see her. "What did you mean when you called that girl 'Mom'?" I ask.

"Oh yah! She looked just like her! And, and she sounded like her too! Do you think she became a spirit?"

"I thought she sounded just like her too. She might've been, but why would she be so evil?" I say.

"I don't know," Danielle quietly replies.

After a comfortable silence, four other people come in. "Thanks, guys," I say.

"Of course," I hear in a Russian accent. Jack puts his hand on the small of my back and helps me sit up. He gives me a pill and a glass of water. I put the pill on my tongue and drank the water.

North and Sandy are arguing about something, I can't tell what though. It sounds like a one-sided conversation.

Danielle is still holding my hand and Jack was helping me lay back down. When my back hit the couch again, my spine erupted in pain. I let out a little squeak. "Ok, now I'm starting to feel it," I say.

"Should we get you to your bed instead of this rusty ol' thing?" Jack suggested. I nodded. He helped me get up. He didn't want to carry me, because carrying me would only hurt my spine more. So, he put one arm around my shoulder tightly, practically lifting me off the ground, which hurt like you-know-what. But I didn't want to make him feel even worse than he already does, so I kept it to myself. Danielle wasn't far behind, but I heard North stop her, telling her to give me some space. However, I didn't have the strength to tell her that it's ok.

Jack lays me down on the bed, my back face up. I lay my face to the side so I can breathe. I feel my sweater being dragged up my back. He keeps rolling it up until it reaches the top of my shoulder blades. I had to help him by dragging the part of my sweater under me up a bit. This thing is already ruined because of the blood on it. He cleans up my wound by using the wet towels to wipe off the blood. "This'll probably hurt, ok? Just a heads up," Jack warns.

"M'kay," I mumble again. I prepare myself for a little pinch, hoping it would already be a little numbed. Instead, an agonizing pain ripped through my back. I quickly sucked in air, and bit a pillow as hard as I could to hold back a scream.

I figure he's sewing up my back. The second time it rips through me, I just have to scream. I couldn't hold it in. "It's almost over," he kept mumbling over and over. Tears were streaming down my face. After one more stitch, he was finally finished. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, wiping away the tears after.

I sniffle and say, "Thanks, boo. I know large flesh wounds are disgusting."

"Your welcome, princess. You have a nasty bump on your head and a bunch of bruises, but you'll be in about a week."

"How long 'till I can lie down on my back?"

"I don't know, a couple of days probably."

"Fine..." I mumble into the pillows.

"I'm going to go talk to everyone else, see what the plan is," Jack says.

"Kay. Send Danielle in please," I ask. I really just wanted someone to talk to.

"Will do. Love ya, pumpkin."

"Love ya too, handsome."

I hear the door shut. I'm not letting everyone take the fall for me. I'm going to go the night before they think we're going to go. What's the worst that can happen?

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