Chapter 13: Knight In Shining Armor

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Currently, I'm just sitting on the floor playing with Jack, Danielle, and one of the elves. We are all looking at North's globe, trying to find shapes in the lights. Well, all of us except the elf. He is just sitting on Danielle making silly faces as she laughs hysterically.

All of a sudden, a man runs in. He looks so familiar, yet I don't remember him. "Lucifer!" Jack says, gets up and runs to the man.

Danielle ignores what's going on and keeps playing with the elf. "Hey, guys!" He says. He has on white and golden armor, a white shield, an a golden sword. "I'm sorry, but have we met before?" I ask.

"Don't you remember? We were in Pitch's lair together? I told you that you were- Are you okay, my lady?"

I started to feel woozy ad wobbled a little. "Yah, just a little dizzy is all."

"C'mon. Let's sit you down," Jack worries.

Jack guides me towards a chair. On my way there, my legs gave out and I fell into unconsciousness.


I woke up in my bed. "(Y/n)! You're awake!" Danielle cheers.

"How long was I out?"

"A few hours. Jack and Lucifer went off to talk to Manny. They should be back soon."

"Honestly, who is this Lucifer guy? Everyone seems to know him."

"He met you in Pitch's lair? He is believed to be your guardian angel? He told you that-"

I passed out right after that word.


I woke up again. I feel so helpless. I keep fainting. "Hey, (y/n). How are you feeling?" Jack asks.

"Just a little head ache is all," I say.

"That's good," Jack relieves.

"Seriously, what is wrong with me?"

"Well, Manny said that every time someone tries to tell you a certain fact, you faint. The first time someone told you, I don't think you were under this spell. I'm pretty sure someone cast the spell on you while you were still recovering because you would always talk about it when you were injured. Anyways, everybody knows not to mention it. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine."

"Let's hope so. Thanks, Jack."

"For what?"

"Being there for me when I was helpless," I smile.

"Of course, Doll. Now, get some rest."

"But I'm not tired!"

"Just sleep, you whiney little baby," he teases.

"I'm not a baaabby!!" I play along.

I turn to look at him to see he has left. He just wants me to sleep. I see he has locked the door. The lock is turned sideways. Wonderful. Is he sneaking around? I'll find out... Later. Right now, I'll give in to sleep.


I wake up to hear Jack yelling behind my door. I don't think he is talking to me. Let's see if I can make out what he is saying. "I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT TO HER!" Jack defends.

"Jack, we don't have a choice," North states.


"Jack, calm down mate. We are just going to help."


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