Chapter 2: Meeting Jack Frost

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Your POV

I jumped up, startled, dropping my sketch book. I backed away and turned my head to see him. It was a boy with white hair, a blue sweatshirt, and brown pants. And, might I add NO SHOES! He had a stick in his hand with frost all over it. I gasped. He was the boy from my dream! "Who are you?" I ask.

He squinted his eyes. "You can see me?" He smiled with obvious hope in his eyes.

"Of course I can see you!" He smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. "You didn't answer my question."

"I am Jack Frost: The Guardian of Fun." He was trying to mask his excitement but failing miserably.

"That's cool, you have the same name as a man who spreads winter and snow. You even gave yourself the same little title as him." I giggled.

"No no no, I AM the man who spreads winter and snow."

My eyes widened. "Who are you talking to, (y/n)?" Danielle gasped and tightly wrapped her arm around mine, practically hugging my guts out. "Who is he?" She looked scared out of her wits.

"I am Jack Frost. Nice to meet you, snowflake."

Danielle's eyes got super big. "You mean, the Jack Frost?!"

"The one and only," Jack bowed.

Danielle ran up and hugged him. "I knew this snow was you!"

"Who else could it be?" Jack said.

"Prove it," I argued. I didn't think he could. He turned his head up to seem me.

"Alright, hold on tight," He said while walking over to me and putting a hand around my waist. We shot up into the air. I screamed, closed my eyes, and held on to Jack for dear life. He just laughed and kept going. Once we were at the top, I opened my eyes against my will. "Whoa."

I was completely at a loss for words. "Watch this," he said.

He waved his staff around and made it start snowing. I smiled and giggled. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack look over at me to see my reaction. He had a smile of his own, too. "Do you believe me now?"

"Take a guess."

He just smirked and looked back down at the town. After a minute or two, we headed back down to Danielle. "That was AMAZING!" she shouted. "Can I try?"

"I can't, I have to go spread winter a little farther. I'll tell you what. I'll come back in about thirty minutes. Then, we can try that again. Sound good, snowflake?"

"YAY!!" she screamed and ran inside after hugging him. It was just Jack and me outside now. "Before I go, why do you still believe in me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it is obvious you believe in me. You can see me, and only the people who believe in me see me. Until today, only little children believed in me. Why do you still believe in me?"

I looked down at my feet embarrased. Should I tell him? Fine, it is not like he is going to make fun of me. Wait.. he is the guardian of fun. Maybe he actually would.. But before I could stop myself, I said, "Well, it started when I was a child. I was always that one shy kid who wanted to sit in the back at my own desk. I was given a book by my father before he died." I started to tear up, but I had to fight the urge to cry. "It was called 'The Rise of the Gaurdians' all about the tale of the Guardians and who they were and their daring adventures. I read it every night before bed. They were the only thing that was worth smiling about in my life."

I felt cold arms wrap around me. "I'm sorry," he whispered into my ear.

I was surprised that he didn't tease me, but I hugged him back after a few seconds of shock. "I'm not usually the dark one." I forced out a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that," I apologized.

He pulled back and smiled at me. I just noticed the snowflake pattern in his blue eyes. They are adorable! "There is nothing to be sorry about."

There was a long, comfortable pause. "I have to go. See ya later, snowflake!" He flashed me a should-be-world-famous smile. Then, he started to fly away.

His smile was so warm. I thought for a minute or two and went inside. "I saw you guys hugging. OOOHHHH!!" She smiled and started to laugh really hard.

"It's not like that! Ok?! He was just.. comforting me. I was crying and he wanted me to stop."

Danielle looked at me puzzled and started to ask me why I was crying. She was smart and decided not to. I went into the kitchen to grab some hot cocoa. "What time is it, Danielle?"


"Thanks! You can go outside and play in fifteen minutes! You better start getting your toys!" I shouted.

All I heard was little feet racing up the stairs. I finished my cocoa and headed towards the living room to snuggle up in a blanket and start drawing again. After awhile, I heard Danielle scream, "It's been fifteen minutes!!"

"Ok! Go outside and play! Good bye! Have fun and be safe!!" I half screamed and half normally said.

"Ok, MOTHER. Geez.. don't be so bossy... LOVE YOU!" she slammed the door.

I giggled and went back to drawing. After fifteen more minutes, I heard Danielle come in. She trotted towards me. "Hey (y/n)! Jack wants you to come out and play with us. He says staying inside is boring."

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "I am going to get my shoes. Be right back!" She cheered and went outside to tell Jack. I came out and saw everyone playing. There was Jack, playing with the kids in an all-out snowball fight. Suddenly, I was hit in the face with a snowball. I saw Jack burst out laughing. I grinned and said, "You're gonna get it, Frost!"

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