Chapter 18: Words I Can't Remember

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(A/N) This chapter is confusing at first. Just bear (or is it bare?) with me please!

My eyes fluttered open. I heard the elves running about outside, so it's probably about 8:00 AM. I should get up.

I walked over to my dresser. I just grabbed a pair of jeans, a bra, underwear, and what feels like a nice sweater. I navigated my way across the hall and into the bathroom. I take a shower, and blow dry my hair. I have memorized where everything is. I mean, I've been blind for a month now doing the same routine over and over. I change into my clothes and go out into the large workshop. I usually just wait for someone to come in. I feel hands wrap around my waist and lift me into the air. The person twirls me, and drops me in front of them. "Is that a new sweater?" Jack asks.

"Jack!" I hug him.

"Good morning, sunshine."

"Good morning, handsome."

"What shall we do today?" He asks.

"Hmmm.. I was thinking we could go ice skating or watch (or rather listen to) a Disney movie?"

"I say we go ice skating."

"Yay! Let me go get my boots."

"Alright. I'll help you. You remember what happened last time, don't you?"

"Yep! You won't let me forget," I giggle. Last time I tried to navigate through the workshop, I walked into a wall, injured a few elves, and tripped over one.

"What was that?"

"I said, 'Yep, you won't let me forget. You're not going deaf, are you, Jack?"

"No, after that."

"I didn't say anything after that."

"Yes you did. You said-" Jack gets cut off.

"Good morning, Jack, (y/n)!" North exclaims.

"Hey, North," Jack says unenthusiastically.

"What've have you been doing all morning?" I ask trying to ignore Jack's tone.

"Just baking some cookies," he answers.

I gasp. "You listened!"

"Of course I did! Would you like to try some?" North offered.

"Sure! Jack?"

"How could I say no?" Jack says.

"Alright then! Let's-" North starts.

There was a pause. "What was that, (y/n)?" Jack questions.

"I didnt say anything..." I respond.

"I'm sure you did, you said-" Jack gets cut off.

"I heard that too," North agrees.

"Can I just have some cookies?" I plead.

"OFF TO THE KITCHEN WE GO!" North yells.

Jack takes my hand and pulls me along with him. "Geez, (y/n). Your hand is clammy. Are you feeling okay?" Jack asks as he puts his free hand to my forehead.

"Yah! I'm just fine!" I smile.

We get to kitchen after painful navigating through the workshop. "Gee, it smells good in here," I say.

"Those are the cookies!"North happily says.

"Yay! I bet they're gooey!" I say.

"I'm sorry, what was that last part?" North asks.

"I said, 'I bet they're gooey!'" I repeat.

"No, you said something after that," Jack says.

"I don't think so. Are you guys going crazy or something?" I tease.

"No, I'm positive you said something," Jack worries.

"Guys, I'm fine." I reassured.

"(Y/n), I don't want to freak you out, but you have been counting down from five since this morning," Jack informs.

"What?! I don't remember anything like that!" I shriek.

"You don't seem to. I think someone else is possessing her, Jack," North says.

Just then, my head starts to pound. It is worse than when I was hit by Pitch's sand. I clutch my head, back into what I believe is a counter, and collapse. "(Y/N)!" Jack yells.

Both Jack and North run to my side. "It hurts, Jack. It hurts so bad." I start crying.

I clutch my head so hard, I'm sure I've pulled some hair out by now. "North! Go get some ice and a head-ache wrap! (A/N: For those of you who don't know what these are, they are just adjustable wraps that you can tighten around your head. You can heat them up or cool them down.)" Jack orders.

Jack puts his hands on my temples. Hs icy skin helps with the headache. He whispers, "(Y/n), I'm going to carry you to the couch, alright?" Jack asks.

"Kay," I barely whisper back.

Jack picks me up and flies me as fast as he can over to the couch. Luckily, we catch North on his way into the kitchen, and he follows us. Jack whispers soothing things into my ear as he holds me close.

He slowly lays me down, his lap under my head. North catches up with us and passes Jack the headache wrap and the ice. The headache wrap is cold, as are his hands, which helps numb my terrible ache. He secures the wrap around my head tightly, and he puts the ice on the top of my head. God, this boy is so sweet. "North, call all the guardians to the Pole," Jack instructs calmly. North nods and rushes off, yelling at the elves in his way.

"Stay with me, (y/n)," Jack pleads.

"I would never dream of leaving you," I whisper.

"You did it again! You're down to two," Jack says. "What does it mean?" Jack is starting to get frustrated.

I wince, as my headaches increased. He uses his hands to massage my temples. "Thanks, Jack."

He doesn't reply. He doesn't move either, like he is concentrating on something.

"Jack, don't get so worked up about this. It'll be fine," I try to reassure him because he always freaks me out when he is like this.

"Don't you dare tell me that. Who knows what's going to happen? Huh?!" He yells. His fingers start to dig into my skin with anger and his yelling doesn't help either.

"Jack, stop! It hurts!" I shriek.

He pulls his hand back, and there is a long pause. "I'm so sorry, (y/n). I don't know what I was thinking. I'm just so worried. I don't want this to end up where you..." he trails off.

"It's s'okay," I whisper.

I hear footsteps and the mood changes in the room from scared, to worried. "Hey, guys," I say quietly.

There are a few gasps and a long period of silence.

"You said it. You said one," he whispers.

I feel hands grasp my shoulders from under the couch, pull me down through the floor, and back up to fly above North's globe. "Hello. Did you miss me?" The woman beside me asked.

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