Chapter 26: The Dance of a Lifetime

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I walk into the dance after quadruple checking myself in the mirror. There are SO many people here! A lot of them I don't even know, but I will by the end of the night. I look around for my favorite person in the world. Where is he? Jus then, I feel a cold wind lightly sweep the room signaling Jack's arrival. I turn around and run towards him. I haven't seen him since he asked me to the dance. The guardians told me it was 'tradition', so I followed suit, however it was a huge pain. I missed him so much!

I run towards him and hug him as tight as I can. "Boo Bear!" I cheer.

"Hey, princess."

He tightened his hold on me and spun me around. I giggled and pulled back. I looked him over. He had a light blue suit on with a frosted flower in his jacket pocket on and... he had shoes on! Just for me! However, he kept his hair messy, just they way I liked it. "Well well well... Don't you look handsome," I compliment.

"All for my one and only."

"Love you, cheese ball."

"Love you too. Have I told you that you look absolutely gorgeous tonight?"

"Not until just a second ago."

"Well, you look absolutely gorgeous. Did you know people are staring at you?"

"They are no-"I look around and people are looking at me. I blush and turn back to Jack.

"Told ya."

"Well, what would you like to do first?"

"I say we go to the snack bar."

"Are those cookies I smell?"

"Yep," he says hastily as he takes my hand and drags me to the snack table.

-------------Time Skippity Skop Bop...?

The perfect slow dance comes on as we are talking to Lucifer, my best friend since I moved into North's house. "Jack! This song is perfect for dancing! Lucifer, we'll be right back!" I say as I drag Jack onto the dance floor. The song is So Close from Enchanted. {A/N: Are you guys ready for a total fairytale moment?}

We stand in the middle of the dance floor. Jack takes me hand as I wrap mine onto his shoulder and around his neck. His hand snakes around my waist as we hold each other closely, my head on his chest. We sway back and forth to the music. Then, a huge spotlight lands on us. I look up and see Bunny giving me a thumbs up. I smile and put my head back on Jack's chest. I close my eyes and sing along to the music quietly. "Do you have any idea how much I love you?" Jack asks.

"You've only told me about a million times. Do you have any idea how much I love you?"

"Nope. Please explain," He smirks.

"Well, I love you to the ends of the earth and back. I love your messy hair, your frosty eyes, the way you treat me. I love holding your cold hand or playing with your fingers. You make me feel like I'm the only girl to exist. I always feel loved around you. You have helped me out so much... more than you know. Even as I was taken away and used against you, you were still there for me. Even as I was about to die, you were right by my side willing to take the short end of the stick so you could be the last thing I see in my last few moments. Even as I broke down, you held me until I was okay. You've taken great care of Danielle when I couldn't. You have no idea how much all that means to me, Jack. You are all I have ever wanted. All I've needed. I love you, Jack."

"I love you too, princess. (Y/n), I couldn't live... well... function without you. Sure, we have gone through many hardships, but our love got us through all of them. I believe that true love is the most powerful magic in the world."

He got down on one knee. Wait, he isn't... "Even if I forgot everything I've ever known, I would still fall in love with you again. (Y/F/N), I want to wake up next to you every morning, care for you when you're sick, make breakfast in bed for you on our anniversary, and I want to be your everything because you are mine. So, will you marry me?"

He had already pulled out a silver ring with a light blue gem on it. I started crying a long time ago, and I didn't trust myself to form coherent words, so I just nodded my head. He smiled as big as I have ever seen him smile as he stood up and put the ring on my finger. On the side, the words '(Y/n) + Jack were engraved on. I looked up at him and kissed him with all that I felt for him. He hugged me and we walked off the dance floor.

Even though marrying a guardian had its consequences, I felt as happy as ever. This is my happy ending.

The End

I guess this is an end to my book. I will still talk to you all if you comment or message me. It is always nice to meet you guys. I LOVE NEW FRIENDS! I hope you guys liked my book! Love you all to bits! <3

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