Chapter 8: Thank You

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"I'm sorry, I think I misheard you. What was that?" I questioned.

Surely, I can't be MiM's daughter. "You are Manny's daughter."

Maybe I am. But I can't be. I would remember. Unless.. All of a sudden my legs gave out and I started to cough violently. It hurt like H-E-Double hockey stick.

"My lady, are you alright?"

"Yeah..... Just a little... sick is all," I said in between my loud coughing.

"Oh my. We need to get you out of here."

He struggled to open the door and bend the bars, but the metal was too strong. If he couldn't do it, I know I couldn't. Where are you, Jack?

We sat there for hours. Maybe a day or two if I haven't lost my senses entirely. I grew pale and weak. Dang it. Again, I'm helpless. Why can't I help? Oh yah, that's right. I was starving myself and got sick... Wonderful ... Lucifer didn't eat anything as well. Stupid Pitch. Where is he? I haven't seen him since I got here. As if on cue, Pitch came up to our cage. "Look at my dear friends. What happened?"

"A man in a dress happened," I grumbled.

"IT'S NOT A DRESS. IT IS A ROBE. Idiot..." Pitch mumbled.

"Why are we here?" Lucifer asked.

"Why are you here? Well, I thought (y/n) would have figured that out by now. You're smart. Come on, (y/n). Figure it out," Pitch laughed.

Think, (y/n). THINK! I don't possess any powers or anything yet... Lucifer is here.. why? Is he here to just wander? I wouldn't think so. Maybe Manny sent him down to protect me. From Pitch? But Lucifer can't even get out of the cage. Unless.. somebody let us out.

"We are your puppets! You just want Jack to come and try to rescue us so you can defeat him!"

"Told you she's smart."

"If that's true, then let me tell you something I KNOW is true. You will NEVER beat Jack Frost," I hissed. I spit on him in disgust. {OOOOOOH! Reader getting SASSSYYYYYYY!!}

"Fine. You want to play that way, I can play your game."

He took me out of the cage so Lucifer couldn't interfere and threw me two stories down onto the floor. I landed with a 'crack.' I'm pretty sure I broke a rib. "My lady!" Lucifer shouted.

Pitch started to pelt me with black sand. It feels like a bunch of tiny knives. I tried to scream, but my throat wouldn't obey. It hurt terribly, but I looked around for something to shield myself with. I saw a burnt piece of large wood. I crawled under it. The next blow, I'd be dead. "Pitch!!" someone yelled. I just saw blue sparks of light. I immediately recognized who came.

"Jack!" I tried to yell, but instead whispered.

My side was aching, my rib was cracked, my throat was dry, and I feel like I have been shot numerous times. That was probably the black sands doing. I looked around me and started to see a pool of blood form. I heard a cage unlock. Thank heavens Lucifer was okay. I coughed out blood and pushed the wood away, showing myself.

I couldn't see him, but I heard him call out my name. Then, two pairs of footsteps landed and were running towards me. A cold hand brings my head onto a freezing lap. "Jack..." I whispered.

"Don't speak. You're gonna be alright," his voice cracked. Then, I hear sleigh bells. Hmmm. I think I know who is in the sleigh. I heard a crash and more footsteps plus a few gasps. I could tell Lucifer was checking my wounds. I smile up at Jack. "Glad to know you're okay. Thank you," I whispered as I blacked out.


Me: Jackie-poo finally came to save the day! What took you so long Frosty?


Me: That's fair.

Frostbite (Jack Frost X Reader FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant