Chapter 7: You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone

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Jack left shortly after he and Danielle put me to sleep. It has been a week since then and the nightmares are getting worse and worse. I don't want anybody to know, of course. It will only worry them.

Mother hasn't been doing so well. I believe she is coming down with a cold. She hasn't slept in a few days and barely has any time for us anymore.

School is back due to the fact that the snow isn't falling. Which leads me to my next point: Jack Frost.

I miss Jack so much! He is the only thing I can think about. Sure, I'm sick. Sure, I haven't eaten in weeks. Sure, I have a lot of homework I am getting bad grades on. But the only I can think about is Jack. What if he is dying? What if he forgot about me? I can tell my friends are worried about me, but I have been trying to avoid them to avoid the conversation. True, I have dark bags under my eyes, I'm very pale, and I am skinnier than a stick. But, oh well.

I haven't been getting much sleep either. The nightmares have kept me up. All night sometimes!

I always leave my window open in case Jack comes back. And, finally, after weeks, months in fact, of waiting, someone comes through my window. However, it is not who I wanted it to be. Pitch. This time, I'm not afraid, just annoyed. "Have you been enjoying my little nightmares, my little sunshine?"

"Yes, I find men in dresses quite funny," I remark.

"IT IS NOT A DRESS!" He tries to compose himself. "It is a robe."

"Sure. Whatever you say, Ms. Pitch." I giggle.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH! If you don't, well, let's just say I have some ideas on what to do."

Before I can bat an eye, dark sand encircles me and carries me out the window. I try to scream and wriggle, however the sand has made me very weak. Soon, I give up and give in to a vulnerable unconscious state.

Time skip brought to you by North's elves..

I wake up in a dark, rusty cage. It looks to be a ginormous bird cage. He thinks I'm a pet? I am so done with this guy. Can he just die now? Please?

I have a throbbing head ache and my back feels like someone just stabbed my spine.

"Pitch! Get me out of here, you -!"

I am cut off by a horse made of black sand ramming my cage. I fall backwards onto someone else. There are more people? I turn around and find a glowing being behind me. Who is it? They wince in pain from the impact. "I am so sorry! Are you okay?" I plead, scrambling to get up.

"Yah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it," the hopefully-human said. I'm pretty sure it is a he. It was a raspy/sick, not-deep-but-not-high kind of voice.

"What's your name?" I eagerly ask.

"Lucifer. And yours?"


"(y/n) (l/n)?" His eyes widen.

"Yah. How did you know?"

He ignored my last question. He got on one knee and bowed his head, his right arm across his chest."My lady."

"I'm sorry, I'm confused."

"You really don't know who you are?"

"I know I'm just another nobody teenager. Is there something else I don't know about?"

He looked up at me. "You are Manny's daughter."


Author's note:

Cliff hanger! Sorry for not posting, the crummy writing, rotten fruits, and for how short this chapter is. I promise this will get a whole lot better. I just had bunch of finals coming up. Do you guys like my fast paces writing? Or would you like me to describe more details? Please tell me!! Love you all!

Jack: SO, when do I come in and be the hero?

Me: Hmmm. who knows? Maybe reader-chan can do it HERSELF! Do you see how strong she is?

Jack: So? This story is made for me! I know this will end badly if I don't come in and beat Pitch's butt. PLEASE!!

Me: Maybe, maybe not.

Jack: I hate you.

Me: I know.

Frostbite (Jack Frost X Reader FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora