Chapter 10: The Light

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"Will you be my snowflake and fall for me?" Jack asked.

"Only if you will be my guardian and catch me," I smirked.

"Sounds good to me," Jack agrees.

He pulls me in for a kiss. This one longer and more passionate than the last. Our lips locked and in sync is my happily ever after. Much to my dismay, he pulls away. I was about to say something when a sharp pain in my stomach flourishes. Darn it. My flipping stomach ruins our perfect moment. I yelp out in pain and hug my knees to my stomach. My stomach hurts enough, and then I go and move my entire body. Bad idea. "(y/n)!" Jack calls.

Everything sounds muffled and my vision starts to blur. I start to freak out, however I can't move anymore. I see a bright light. It starts to pull me towards it, but I try to back away. I know what's happening. I'm dying. I can't move, but it doesn't mean I can't speak. "Jack, I love you. I'm so, so sorry. Goodbye."

The light feels like my only way out. Yet, I still try to back away from it. I can hear a bunch of ruckus, but I can't make sense of it. Everything around the light starts to go black. All there is is the light. I run away from the light, but it keeps advancing on me. The light takes over and now, there is only black. Is this heaven? Or am I just in an unconscious state? Then, I turn around and see the same light. Is this the way out? Or does it lead to my death? Dying can't be so bad, can it? So, I take my chances and walk towards it. Once I'm through the tunnel of light, Pitch appears. "So, you refuse to die? Well, I can make you wish you want to," Pitch mocks.

So I am alive!! I internally dance, but decide not to show it. "I'd rather have that not happen right now. Thanks though," I spat.

"You see, we have no idea how long you will be in a coma and-"

"COMA???" I yell.

"Isn't that what I said? Now, pay attention, darling."

"Don't call me darling. You're the one in the dress."

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! ITS NOT A DRESS, BUT A ROBE. Ugh! I should just kill you now. You see, you are in a very vulnerable state. You are right between life and death here. I would watch what you say!"

"I'd rather die than listen to you."

"Have it your way."

Pitch creates a scythe out of his sand, and he puts up black walls around me so I can't go anywhere. I try to shield myself with my hands as he swings. But the light engulfs me before he hits me. I open my eyes even though it hurts A LOT. I'm in the same place I was before. I'm in the same room I was in when Jack and I kissed. IM ALIVE!! YESS!! Wait a minute, how long have I been asleep? No one is in here and I can't move, so I must entertain myself for awhile. I discover many more bandages have been put on me, and it is about 5:00. Just that took me half in hour to figure out. What? I can't move my head! Don't judge!

"(y/n)! You're awake!" I heard. It's Jackie-poo!

I try to talk, but I am engulfed in another hug before I can say anything. I love his cold skin. It helps numb my injuries. "When you passed out, you stopped breathing. The yeti's made me leave because you were in critical condition. You were stabilized, but you were in a coma for a few months! I came by every day to see if you woke up. I thought I had lost you. If you passed away, I wouldn't know what I would do," He explained. The winter spirit was shaking so badly.

"Jack, I'm so sorry. I missed you too," I said. I was crying too. I made Jack worry about me... FOR MONTHS. I'm a terrible person. We just sat there, crying into each other's shoulders. Once we both composed ourselves, Jack pulled away just enough to kiss me. I, of course, kissed back. I missed him so much. His hand was stroking my cheek. I tried to move my arm, but Jack's other hand went on top of mine. He knew I couldn't move, that ol' sweetie. My idiot lungs screamed at me for air, so I pulled away. He smiled, and his smile made me smile. I love him so much. Now, I know I don't have to stop my train. I can keep accelerating as much as I want.

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