Chapter 21: Trojan Forest

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-------Time skip - 1 week later

I've gained the capability of walking, so I can leave the night before the guardians think we are. They are planning to leave tomorrow night. They want to guide me to the forest, and let me walk into the trees. Jack will follow me in the trees, and, when the enchantress walks out, he will listen to what she wants. If he thinks she is going to hurt me, he'll make it snow, signaling the guardians to come in and help battle her. Hoever, I'm going out tonight to talk to her myself. I don't want to drag the guardians down with me. I will face her on my own. I'm scared of her, but I'm even more afraid of any of the guardians getting hurt.

We are just saying our goodnights after dinner, and I walk into my room to brush my teeth, trying to fake them out. I spit and wash my face. I hop into bed, fully clothed, under the covers. Jack walks in and says, "Hey, princess."

"Hey, boo."

"I just want to say this now, because I don't know if I'll get the chance tomorrow. No matter what happens tomorrow, I want you to know that I love you," he says as he kisses the top of my head.

"You missed," I smirk.

He grinned and kissed my lips. His kisses never get old. "I love you so much," I mumble against his lips.

He pulls away. "Love you too, princess. Good night."

"Nighty night," I reply and close my eyes.

As he flies away, I can't help but feel guilty that I'm keeping a HUGE secret from him. But, if I told him, he wouldn't let me go. "I'm sorry, Jack," I whisper when he is far enough away.

I feel my way over to the window. I remember my room being on the second floor, so it's going to be a long way down, considering my room is on top of North's globe room. Thank heavens the Pole is a dome. I slide down the walls, landing on my butt with an 'oomph.' I hope no one heard that. I remember Jack saying something about turning west and heading straight to get to the forest. My window is facing east. I turn all the way around and walk straight, bumping into the wall. Right... there' a wall there. I rub my head and walk around the Pole and head straight. I keep walking, getting colder and colder. I walk for about thirty minutes, then hear a twig snap. I reach my hands out and feel a tree. I turn the opposite way and put my hands out to see if there is another tree. I walk forward and feel some more tree bark. I'm in the forest!

"Well, well, well. I was beginning to think you weren't coming!" The woman's voice said.

"I guess you misjudged me," I respond.

"Nope. I still think you're a shy, stuck-up, little guinea pig."

"I didn't think you would drop to such a low as name calling."

She completely ignored my last statement, probably because she couldn't come up with a comeback. "I brought you here for revenge."

"What did I ever do to you? I barely even know you."

"You see, a certain friend of mine was locked away, and I had to get him out. After a little cursing and an experiment containing fire, I was able to get him out. However, the reason he was in there in the first place... was a man named Jack Frost. So, we had to think of what was most precious to him, and take it away. He loves you. He cares for you deeply. So deeply, it surpasses all of his other interests. Therefore, we must take you away from him."

Her voice is right in front of me, so I step back in fear of what she is going to do. "What're you trying to do?"

"Why, kill you, dear," she replies like it's nothing. Like she does this everyday.

Since my sense of hearing is enhanced, I hear her swing a dagger or some sort of sword before it gets near my head. I duck, narrowly missing the sword. She swings again, and I duck. Now, she is trying to swing at my legs. I jump and dodge all of her attacks. I try to use my magic, but I can't focus and I have no idea where to aim it. Finally, she gets frustrated and growls, "Pitch, hold her down."

Pitch is back?! Then, it hit me, that is her friend she had to bail out! I can be such an idiot sometimes. I feel hands go around my arms, holding them behind my back, and a rope being tied around my legs. I squirm and squirm until she puts the dagger/sword at my neck. "Stay still," She warns.

I hear someone up in the sky yell, "NO!" and someone swoop in front of me. The person in front of me is Jack. I hear him yell in pain, and someone letting go of my arms and legs. "Jack!" I yell.

"Eh, hurting Jack is good enough for me. Come on, Pitch," the woman leaves.

"Jack! Why did you do that?" I ask.

"Because I love you," he says.

"You're going to come back, right? You're immortal!" I say.

"No, that just mean we are fast healers, but if we don't heal in time, we're dead."

I gasp. I remember my powers! I can take the wound off him if I focus, right? I find the wound, and put my hands lightly on it. He groans in pain, but he asks, "What're you doing?"

I ignore him and focus, I feel a warm light radiate off of my hands. His sweatshirt gets less wet and less wet, but I start to feel woozier and my chest starts to hurt. I think that's just a side effect of the magic. I keep working my magic, and my chest keeps hurting more and more. I think the wound is being transferred onto me. "(Y/n), what're you doing?' he asks in a more concerned tone.

"Whatever it takes," I reply. I start to drift, but keep steady. I think Jack'll be ok now, so I try to take my hands off. I discover that my hands won't move. I can't take them off of the wound. I'm going to die. Again. "Jack, I'll always love you. You know that, right?" I ask, knowing this'll be my last goodbye. "(Y/n)! Stop what you're doing!" he says, trying to take my hands off his stab wound.

"I can't! My magic won't let me!" I tell him.

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