Chapter 14: The Drink

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"Jack, there is only one other way, which comes with a terrible outcome," Tooth said.

There was a long pause. "Can I... Can I talk to her first?" Jack said. His voice was all shaky.

"Of course. Take as much time as you need," North said.

I pretend to be sleeping so he doesn't know I heard all that. I hear a door open and footsteps slowly walk next to me. "(y/n), wake up," he shook me slightly.

My eyes flutter open. I see Jack with a weak smile and tears in his eyes. "How are you feeling?" he asks.

"I should be asking you that. What's wrong, Jack?"

"Well, I guess you should know. We were talking to Manny. He told us that, when Pitch was shooting you with that black sand, it was more of a virus. When you told us you forgot about Lucifer the other day, it was because the virus's symptoms begin with memory loss. If someone tries to tell you anything about what you forgot, you pass out. He doesn't want you to know what that man told you which is why he shot you with the virus in the first place. The other symptoms include head aches, mood swings, nausea, and... dying. Pitch's virus is inevitable. There is no cure. The only way we can avoid you being lost among the other wandering souls after you pass is if you take this drink. This drink will make you a spirit like us, not just a wandering soul. This drink has multiple side effects, and will drain you of your energy. I promise I will be here right by your side until you become a spirit," Jack explained. By now, we were both crying.

I'm going to die. I'M GOING TO DIE. I will never be able to live a normal life again. I'll never see my friends again, I might not see my sister again. I just pray that she will believe in me. I can't BELIEVE THIS. Pitch is causing chaos even after he was put into an eternal prison-like room. I hate him.

I hear ruckus outside. "JACK!" Bunny yelled.

"I'll be right back," Jack said.

"Ok," I nod.

Jack leaves. When he opens the door, his hair blows back like there is wind in the main room, and I see a black light covering the other room. I want to get up and help, but my legs won't budge. And, now I'm sitting here thinking about things. I just realized how much of a burden I've been on the guardians. If I died, they woudn't have to care for me. Pitch wouldn't have caused so much trouble, and the guardians would've lived on with their normal life. Now, they have an extra mouth to feed, they have another worry, and they have another thing to take care of. They must hate me. I guess dying would be beneficial to them. They could take care of Danielle, and they wouldn't have another sick child. Jack runs in and hastily says, "(Y/N)? YOU NEED TO TAKE THIS NOW!"

"But I don't mind dying! I would be much less of a burd-"

He was only half way across the room when a woman popped up between me and Jack. She had short, black hair, a bunch of piercings, a black and white top, and black shorts. "Not so fast, Jackie-poo," she teased.

"What do you want?" Jack spat.

"I want the drink, Jack," the woman said.

"Over my dead body," Jack said.

"Alright then,"

She threw a wave of shadows towards Jack, but he froze them all before they got to him. Then, it was his turn to attack, so he mustered up all the strength he could muster and shot blue electrical magic towards her, which hit her and made her fly back. She was fading away, but, before she did, she teleported from where she was to where Jack was. She knocked the drink out of his hand causing it to shatter upon contact, turned around, and smirked at me. "See you real soon, (y/n)," she said.

"Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH, (y/n), I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I can't believe this," he whispered as he collapse on the ground to cry. Even though it took a lot of strength, I crawled over to Jack, and made him look at me. "You know this is for the better. I've been making you guys run around worrying for me. I'm a burden to all of you. If she didn't do it, I might've," I told him.

"NO! No, (y/n)! You've never been a burden. We all worry for you because we want you to be healthy again. We don't want you to leave us. We all love you dearly. I don't think any one of us could live without you," Jack says.

I didn't realize this, but all of the guardians were in the doorway, crying. "He's right, mate. If you die, we all go down with you," Bunny admits.

By then, we were all crying and were brought into a hug. We pulled away, and I immediately felt dizzy. "Hey, Jack?"

"Yah?" he responds.

"Do you mind carrying me to the bed. I don't feel too good."

"Of course. Come here," he said as he opened his arms.

I crawled over to him. "Thanks, Jack."

"Don't mention it."

All the guardians have left. It's only Jack and I in the room. He goes to clean up the mess the drink made. He touched the liquid, and this blue force shot through the room. "What was that?" I said as I coughed.

"I'm not sure," he explained,"I'm going to talk to Manny, ok?"

"Ok," I smiled.

He left the room as he closed the door with a muffled 'bang.'

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