Chapter 25: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo

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She runs up to me and hugs my legs. I pick her up and sit her in my lap. "I missed you so much!" I say.

"I missed you too!" She pulls back from the hug and gasps. "(Y/n)! The color had returned to your eyes! Can you see?"

I nod. Has it really been that long? She squeals and hugs me again. Then, she starts to run around the room. Jack flies over and picks her up from behind. He flies to the top of the room, and then slowly back down. She just can't stop giggling. Once she is let down, she hugs each one of the guardians (besides Tooth and Sandy. They brought her here) and she said 'hi' to all of them. She looks over at me and says, "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! Do you want to go draw?"

"I'd love to!"

She smiled and takes my hand. She drags me over to my room to get our sketch pads. I grab the pencils, crayons (for Danielle), and colored pencils (for me). We sit down on my bed, like we usually do, and we start to draw. "What're you going to draw, Danielle?"

"It's a surprise!"

"Alright, alright. What'd you do with Tooth while I was gone?"

"She showed me this movie. Well, really it's more of a musical. Oh! And she took me around the world and we picked up a few teeth! We also visited Sandy every now and again to play with his sand. His sand is amazing! Once, it was this pretty pony that took me to a beautiful meadow. And, and another time it was a giant teddy bear with chocolate in its hand. I mean, I couldn't eat the chocolate, but it looked tasty!"

I laugh. "Sounds like you had fun."

"I did!"

"I'm glad."

There was a pause, of course. It's just what happens when you're drawing. You need to focus. Then, Danielle starts humming a Disney song, Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo. I decide to start sing along. Soon enough, I see Jack in the doorway smiling. "Is something funny, Jack?"

"You guys."

"Hey!" Danielle whines.

Jack and I laugh. "I'm just kidding, Danielle."

Her face visibly relaxes and she keeps drawing. "What're you drawing, princess?"

"Ariel in her little cave of human things."

"Can I see?"

"Not until it's done!"

"Fine. Hey, princess?"

"Yah, boo?"

"There is the Christmas dance coming up. I think North is setting it up. But, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

I look up at him and smile so big, my cheeks hurt. I jump on him and hug him. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!"

Jack laughs and spins us. "Wonderful! It's in one week. Good luck finding your dress!"

He kisses me, puts me down, and leaves.



"What's it like to be in love?"

"It's amazing! You're always happy, you usually have butterflies in your tummy, you just feel... Complete. I'm sure you'll find your true love someday, Danielle."

"Is there such thing as true love?"

"Of course there is! There is one person out there who is perfect for you. There is one person out there who you are perfect for. It's just the universal rules of love."

She smiles and keeps drawing.

------- Hours later

I just about finish my drawing as Danielle has already drawn four pictures. She has shown me her surprise drawing. It was of her and me on the top of a cake holding hands. It said, 'Sisters Forever' with a backwards 'F'. It was pretty adorable. I put it on my cork board and thanked her for it. As I finish up the last thing-a-ma-bob, Tooth bursts in through the door. "(Y/n)! I heard Jack asked you to the dance! We must make you a dress! Come on!"

"Why now?"

"Why not now? I'm always excited to see dresses! You should design it! Oh, (y/n)! This is perfect!"

"Alright, alright. Can Danielle come along?"

"Of course! Come on, girls! We have work to do!"

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