Chapter 5: Twenty Questions

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I hear a tap on the window.

I turn towards the window just hoping it was anybody but Pitch.

I open the curtains hesitantly, but stop when I see a blue sweatshirt sleeve. I immediately know it's Jack. I closed the curtain, quickly wipe my tears and tried to calm down. I open the window without opening the curtains. I hope he gets the message that I don't want him to come in, but I want to talk.

"Jack, I'm doing my homework," I acknowledge.

"No, you're not. Let me in, please."

There was a long pause. "(y/n), I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or scared you. I didn't.."

Then, I stopped listening. He thinks it's his fault. Exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"NO! No, Jack. It's not your fault. Don't worry about me. It's nothing. Honestly, go play with Danielle."

"I'm right here, (y/n)."

Danielle is outside my window. My room is on the second story. Jack!! I quickly open the curtains and take Danielle from Jack's arms. I don't want her to see me cry. Thank the heavens there is no light on. I urged her out before she could see me, but of course Jack was still outside. Wonderful.

"Jack, I'm fine," I assure.

"(y/n), I can tell you've been crying. Crying to me isn't nothing. Please. Let me in."

"I wasn't crying."

"Yes, you were. If you don't let me in, I'll let myself in."

I sighed. There isn't any way out of this one. Why does Jack have to be so nosy? I suppose I should let him in. "Alright. Hold on."

I opened the curtain and Jack came in. He hugged me and we sat down on the bed. He took my hands in his.

"Now, (y/n). If you don't tell me what's wrong, I can't help you."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"What is it? Stress? Fear? Something tragic?"


"What about it?" he pushed on.

"Again, I don't want to talk about it."



I'm already on the verge of tears, and even without light, Jack could tell. I could see his silhouette. It looks like he is debating something in his head.

"Tell you what. Can we play 20 questions? All you have to do is nod or shake your head. Sound good?" Jack proposed.


"Ok. Um, is it something to do with the spider?"

I nod.

"Well, then, why are you so spooked now? Danielle told me you have never reacted like that to anything. Umm, did something scarring occur?"

I nod.

"Was it a really big, scary spider that crawled on you at school or here?"

I shake my head.

He thinks for a moment, then I can see he is surprised about something. "Is it nightmares?"

I nod, finally letting the dam break.

"That doesn't make sense.. We got rid of Pitch years ago!"

That didn't help. It just reminded me of everything else in my dream. I cry harder, and of course, he notices. He apologizes immediately and hugs me. We jut sit there for a few minutes, rocking back and forth. I try my best to calm down and think about something else. I feel helpless. I absolutely hate it. It makes me feel weak, like I can't do anything. After my sobbing has turned into shuddering breaths, he pulls away, but keeps the grip on my shoulders. "I know this is terrible, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I was wondering if he told you anything," Jack asks.

I take a deep breath and begin my story. Every detail. What he said, what he did. Hopefully, I am helping him. Fortunately, this is the first time I could speak about it and not cry very hard. Progress, right?

When I was finished, he said, "Thanks so much, (y/n). You have no idea how much that helps. Do you feel any better?"

Actually, I do. It feels nice to get it off my chest. It feels nice to do what I want. "I do. Thanks so much, Jack. I'm sorry for freaking out earlier."

"Don't mention it. It was kinda my fault. I'm sorry I did that, I shouldn't have. If I knew-"

"Jack, it's really okay. You didn't know. It's not your fault."

Even though the lights were off, I could see him smile out of gratitude. I smiled back, figuring that, if we could see me on the verge of tears (not just hear me), he must see my smile.

Now, my hopeless love train is accelerating. Please, help me.

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