Chapter 22: Dark Oblivion

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"I can't! My magic won't let me!" I tell him.

"Remember, you have to focus!" he reminds.

That's right! I focus and imagine my hands coming off his wound. It's really hard, because all I can focus on is the excruciating pain coming from my heart. My hands finally come off, and the rest of my body collapses. My breathing is rushed and labored. I hear Jack sit up. He puts his arms around me and carries me back to the North Pole. He keeps saying things like, "Stay with me, (y/n)!"

We get in and I hear Jack yell, "WAKE UP! (Y/N) HAS BEEN INJURED!" Jack says.

I hear feet, twinkles, thumps, and wings quickly rush to where we are. I hope Jack didn't wake up Danielle. I hear gasps and one "Shostakovich!"

Jack lays me down on a bed, not caring about the blood that will be smeared all over it. "How did this happen?" North asks.

"No time for questions!" Jack reminded.

I must've looked as pale as my eyes. Speaking of my eyes, they were screaming at me to close them, but if I close them, game over. I focus on keeping my eyes open (even though I still can't see anything) and my breathing. "Right, follow me!" North instructs.

As Jack carries me through the halls, North shouts out, "Tooth, Bunny, get the yetis!"

I hear wings flutter away and Bunny hopping away. Jack lays me down gently on a bed, and I hear heavy footstep run in and a bunch of grunts. Jack grasps my hand, then, just as fast, is being pried off of it. I feel a gas mask being put on in order to make me fall asleep. I start to feel sleepier and sleepier. I close my eyes, not knowing what awaits me.


I open my eyes. I can ACTUALLY see! I'm in some sort of Wonderland. There are giant clouds on one side, and just plain ol' dark nothingness on the other side. Of course, like any logical person, I walk towards the cloudier, happy side. However, the darker oblivion is swiftly creeping up on me. I try to run away, but remember every other time I've done that. It just happens anyway, or the outcome sucks. So, either way, I'm probably doomed. This time, I think I will man up and fight whatever is coming. When the huge shadow moves past my tiny figure, there is a huge gust of wind that almost knocks me off my feet. I hear a voice, "Miss me, darling?" Pitch.

"What the h*** do you want?" I snarl.

"My my, you haven't changed a bit."

"And you haven't changed your dress."

Instead of a snarky comeback, there is just a black shadow racing towards me. I focus on creating light to overcome the giant shadow. I hold my hand out and a blinding light comes out of it. Pitch curses and coughs, spitting out blood.

"It's over, Pitch."

"Not until I say its over."

I focus on lighting up the room. I try and try until I feel black sand hit my head. I stumble backwards and clutch my head. I shake it off and run towards Pitch. I focus on creating a sword of light. He creates a large sword too. I aim my sword at his heart and charge at him, however, he blocks it. He swings at my head, and I duck. He swings at my arm, and he slices some skin. It stings, but nothing more. I can bear it. While he is distracted by his successful hit, I plunge my sword into his heart. He drops his sword and falls to his knees. The dark oblivion turns back into clouds. I have defeated Pitch. "You'll pay for this," he whispers before letting out his last breath.

I hear a bunch of claps from behind me. "You did it!" A girl says with golden braids. She has on a white tunic and wings. "I'm sorry who are you? And where the heck am I?" I ask.

"I'm Lucy, this is Lucifer," she points to the man from before. "Hey! I remember you!" I exclaim.

"Yep! Hey, did Jack tell you all about when we were locked in a cage together in Pitch's lair?" Lucifer asks.

"Yes, he's filled me in. Thanks so much for putting up with me. I've have powers apparently and I've learned how to use some of it," I reply.

"Wait! She isn't- Is she?" Lucy stutters.

"Yep!" Lucifer exclaims.

"Oh my gosh!" Lucy flies over to me and hugs me. "You're her!" She says.

"Who am I?" I ask.

"Oh! Manny's daughter," Lucifer clarifies.

I give him a smile and wrap my arms around Lucy. "That I am," I reply. "What are your names?" I look over to the two other men. "Oh! Excuse my manners! That's Alex and Alexandra," Lucy says.

"Lucy, Lucifer, Alex, Alexandra. They all sound alike. Hey, makes it easier on me," I say.

"Yah, that's a rule up here. Everybody in the family has to have similar names. Anyways! We don't have much time! You need to know that the enchantress is your mother if Manny didn't already tell you. You need to give her memories to her. Also, you are still alive, and we have given you the gift of vision as a reward for defeating Pitch," Lucy clarifies.

I gasp and hug her tightly. I them release her and run to Lucifer, then to Alex, then to Alexandra. I'm so happy I start to cry. "Thank you guys so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!" I say.

"Your welcome. I'll see you in a week, my lady," Lucifer says.

"See you around," I black out.

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