Chapter 17: The Picnic

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YOUR POV (Detail: It's been 2 weeks since the last chapter, and you've healed pretty well.)

I am being shaken awake. "Rise and shine, (y/n)," Jack says.

"I'm up, I'm up," I groan.

It sounds like Jack gets up and walks across the room. "Your meds are on your nightstand next to you," he says. It sounds like he just got up too. "We're going to go to the park today. Thought it would be good to get some fresh air," Jack says. "Tooth picked out your clothes. They're on your dresser. You know where that is, right?"

"Yep. Danielle helped me memorize the entire hall way."

"Alright. You know the shower?"


"Alright. Meet me in the bathroom after you get your clothes."

"Kay. Love you."

"Love you too."

He walks out and I gather my clothes. It feels like a short dress, a sun hat, a bra, and underwear. I walk across the hall. "Alright. Come 'ere, princess."

I walk over to him. He grabs my hand and places it on the shower nob. "Pull it out to start it, push it in to end it. Turn this left to make it warmer, right to make it cooler. The shampoo is here, the conditioner is here, and the body wash is here. The towels are over here," he informs as he moves my hand from item to item. "Got it?"

"I think so."

"Kay. Holler if you need anything."

"I need a kiss."

I feels something cold on my lips. Soon enough it's gone. He slips out of the room before I can ask him for more.

I take my shower and dry off. I put on my dress and blow dry my hair. It's harder than you think to dry your hair blind. I think my dress is skinny until the hips. Then, it flares out with a silky material. It's goes to the bottom of my knees. I don't know if I need to fix my dress or something, but I think I got it all. I don't think Jack has seen me without my makeup either. Let's see what he says.

I walk out smiling. I walk out of the hall not knowing where to go from here. I think North sees me. "Why, don't you look nice?"

"No flirtin' with my girl, North," Jack teases.

I heard North stutter a bit, then he stopped talking. "But you do look gorgeous, (y/n)."

I feel my cheeks get hot. "Thanks, Mr. Frost."

"You're welcome, my lady," he jokes as he takes my arm.

I giggle. "You sound like that guy that came in the other day."

"Mhm. Lucifer. I would tell you what he wanted to tell you, but I don't want you to pass out."

"Good thinkin', Frosty."


We just walked, arm in arm, to a nice, sunny area. We had to take the long way around because Jack didn't want to embarrass me. I mean, it's weird to see a blind girl talking with air.

We got there and Jack laid down the blanket. When he sat down, he pulled me with him. I landed on his lap, and, no, my dress didn't come up. We both just started cracking up. After a few minutes, I sat up and played with my hair. He took my hand and placed some sort of sandwich in my hand. "Here is a PB&J sandwich that I prepared just for you," Jack says.

"I'm impressed."

"I know," he gloats.

I take a bite and it just explodes with flavor! There is a tinge of an icy mint, but not enough to taste bad. "I see you've added a little 'tang' to the sandwich."

"You have the best taste buds," Jack compliments.

"That is the strangest compliment I've ever received," I laughed. "It's actually REALLY good. Have you had cooking lessons or something?"

"Nah. I'm just that amazing."

"Jack!" I playfully shove him. "Would you like to have some?" I ask.

"I'd rather do this."

Soon enough, I feel a minty pair of lips on mine. I melt into the kiss, putting my arms lightly on his face. His arms go around my waist, hugging me closer. Our lips mesh into practically one pair of lips. He pulls back and we both sit breathing there for a minute. He pulls me back up to his lips, and traces his tongue around my lips. I happily oblige as he slips his tongue in. His tongue plays with mine. We just say there, in complete bliss. He eventually pulls away, a smile plastered on both our faces. "Love ya, Jack."
"Love ya too, (y/n).

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