Chapter 12: Insecurities

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I woke up the next morning in Jack's arms. He must've slipped into my bed while I was asleep last night, like always. Yes, I have recovered, but I will forever have these tough-looking scars on my legs and stomach.

It's been a week since my mother's death, and Danielle and I don't have any tears left. Everybody has been so supportive of Danielle and I. They are letting us stay with them for as long as we want. We brought some of our things from our old house over to our new rooms. North also let us have some things from the workshop. Now, my dream room is a reality. It has multiple windows, a drawing desk, a chest full of drawing things, and a WHOLE lot more! Jack and I have put up our favorite pictures of us all around my room. My most favorite one is of Jack giving me a piggy-back ride and we are both laughing our heads off.

Jack and I are currently sitting by the fire place, my head on Jack's chest and hot cocoa on the table. I have always loved playing with Jack's cold fingers. So, whenever I get the chance to do it, I do.

I've been asking myself these... questions about our relationship lately. For example, 'Why doe he love me?' and my favorite one, 'Is he too good for me? Should I let him have a girl better then me?' So, I decided to confront him about it.

"Hey, Jack?"

"Yeah, angel?"

"Why do you love me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I don't know. I've just been thinking lately if you're... maybe... too good for me or something."

Jack sits up, which makes me look at him. He spoke in a low, soft voice. "(y/n), I have no idea why you feel this way, but I sometimes wonder if I even deserve a girl like you. Your smile lights up a room, your laugh sounds like an angel's, your eyes twinkle brighter than I thought was possible, and your personality makes me want to melt. I don't think there is any girl I'd rather be with than you."

His little speech was so touching, my eyes welled up with tears. I hugged him and whispered, "I love you so much, Jack."

"I love you too."

We just sat there for I-don't-know how long just rocking back and forth. He always smelled like mistletoe or mint leaves. Either way, he was always nice to hug. His arms would go around my waist, and mine around his neck. There is no place I'd rather be than with Jack.

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