Chapter 9: Game On!

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Oliver was right. For this to work, we both have to be committed to our roles.

He even asked me to let go.


It’s like he read my mind.


I have been thinking about letting go.


Letting go of all the bad impressions that I’ve had of him since the beginning.

Letting go of my inhibitions and letting myself be attracted to him.


Those things are hard. I wouldn’t even know where to start.

And letting go would mean lose control.

I’m not about to let myself lose control.


Not yet.


I committed myself to thinking like I would think if I was his real girlfriend.


This is a little daunting but I guess it’s the first step to progress.


I showed that commitment by randomly kissing him on the cheek.


I could tell that he was surprised by the gesture but amused that I’m no longer so awkward around him.


We walked to one of the function rooms where they were serving buffet breakfast.

I spotted Todd with Hanna seated with a bunch of people I couldn’t recognize but as we got closer, their faces became clearer and more familiar.


seated on the round table were Todd’s teammates in high school.


Robb Madden, Caleb Aldridge, Tom Wilcox.


Hanna immediately saw us walk in and started waving frantically to catch our attention.

This woman has no sense of shame.


None, whatsoever.


People noticed her waving like a maniac and started to turn to the direction in which she was waving.


Oliver and I were about to walk to their table when I felt somebody grab my arm.



I pulled away from the person who had just attacked me to see who it was and why they wanted to tackle me to the ground.


Sandy brown hair, green eyes,



We hugged like excited schoolgirls, swaying from side to side and occasionally stomping our feet due to excessive excitement.

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