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My heart pounding, I raced out the door of my apartment. My mom called out in the background, but I didn't hear her. Probably something about being careful. I scurried into the elevator, feet tapping impatiently as it went down as slowly as possible.

A neighbor besides me smiled. "Where are you goin, little girl? A date?"

"What? No. Why would you think that?" I said, confused.

"Well I saw a nice young man in the lobby, waiting for someone. And you seem excited." The neighbor said.

JJ. I heart skipped a beat. Not because JJ is picking me up. In less than an hour, I'll get to see Jun! I blushed at the thought.

The neighbor laughed. "Ah, young love these days." The elevator opened. "Good luck on your date, little girl!"

"JJ is not my..." I started, but the man was gone.

I walked briskly out if the elevator, almost running. I was wearing a casual white tee, tucked in a pair of ripped jeans. Casual, but stylish. No need scaring Jun with wearing bright flashy makeup and a tight black dress on our first time meeting. JJ also informed me beforehand that I didn't need to wear anything too formal. So I supposed my outfit was okay, with the addition of my Adidas Superstar shoes. No high heels. Which was too bad, to be honest, since I was only about 153 cm tall.

"JJ!" I burst into the lobby. JJ spun around, startled. He was wearing his LOLOL shirt and baggy jeans, as usual. He backed away as I almost crashed into him in anticipation.

"Holy sh*t Yenling," he grabbed my shoulders, steadying me. "Calm down."

The look on my face must've told him that calming down was in fact, not possible. He muttered something, and lead me to his scooter. "Sit tight." He handed me a helmet.

I put it on, and JJ sped off unexpectedly, weaving in and out of traffic.

"JJ!" I screamed, clinging on to his waist. "WHAT THE HELL?"

"You said you couldn't wait to see him!" He yelled over the sound of the engine. "I'm doing you a favor!"

"You have a f*cking death wish!" I closed my eyes. We passed the cluster of cars and onto the highway, where there were relatively less cars. He slowed down just a tiny bit.

"Hey, JJ?" I spoke up, deciding to make a little small talk.


"Why don't you work out?" I said.

"Why should I?" He turned to look at me, to which I screamed and told him to face the road ahead.

"Because you would look so much like Jun if you did." I answered, a little out of breath.

"Who said I needed to be like him?" His voice suddenly turned cold.


"You don't understand, Yenling." His eyes were fixed on the road. "Being relatives with someone famous."


JJ cut me off. "I get compared to him everyday by me family. Why can't you be like him? Why can't you look like him? You have so much potential." He spat the word out. "Potential, my ass."

My I ➵ Seventeen - junhuiWhere stories live. Discover now