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He didn't answer.

I turned the doorknob, and to my surprise, it wasn't locked. I slowly walked in cautiosly.

Dino was sitting on his bed, rubbing his knuckles, which were red and swollen. He glared at me, but there were less fire in his eyes this time. He was too tired emotionally to hold a grudge against me down, which explained the unlocked door.

I say down tentively besides him, and let silence settled around the room.

"What do you want?" He said quietly, after a few minutes. "If you're here to tell me I told you Sunhee was a bitch, then get out. She's not."

"I'm not here to say that, and even if I did, you wouldn't believe me anyway."

"She's nice, warm, caring. She's amazing." His voice broke a bit, and he turned it into an awkward cough. "And I love her. I love her enough to respect her decision." He wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Did you ask her why she turned you down?" I asked him gently.

"She did." He hesitated a bit, before continuing. "She told me she already had her heart on someone else."


"Jun." He said plainly. He turned to look at me, to see my reaction.

I swallowed. Poker face out. "Is that so?" I said calmly.

Mentally, I was freaking out. What did Sunhee mean? I know for a fact that she doesn't like Jun that way. She probably told him that to get back at me, or get him to help her.

"Yes. And I plan to help her. I want her to be happy."

So he is going to help her. All the while hurting me bit by bit.

"How are you going to do that?" I nearly choked on the words, but remained a neutral expression.

"I'm not going to get into your relationship with Jun. I'm not like you." He said.

That last line was unnecessary, Lee. Keep eating Sunhee's words.

"I'm going to let Jun see all of Sunhee's qualities. To let him know how amazing Sunhee is. Whether he chooses you or her is up to him."

My eye twitched. Resisting to hit something, I took a deep breath. Dino was obviously not in his right mind. Like what the hell? How is that 'not getting in our relationship'? That's the exact definition of trying to separate us. And besides, Sunhee's doing just fine without his help.

But grilling Dino for answers wasn't my objective here. I was here to comfort him, not punch him for being an ass, as tempting as that may be.

"But what about you?" I asked, making my voice quiet and soft.

"What?" He seemed startled by the question.

"How do you feel? You care about Sunhee's feelings, but what about your own?"

"I- My feelings doesn't matter."

"But they do. Tell me, Dino. I know you feel sad. Why are you neglecting your feelings?"

"Because I don't want Sunhee to worry about me." He muttered. "It's not her fault I'm not good enough for her."

So he loves her that much, huh?
That sounded sweet, if that 'her' wasn't a snake called Sunhee.

And he wouldn't listen to anything that was negative about her. Which complicates comforting him.

So I went with the old strategy. Say what they want to hear. "Dino, Sunhee wouldn't want you hurting yourself for her sake." Well, she would, but that wasn't what he wanted to hear. People tend to believe things they want to believe more easily.

My I ➵ Seventeen - junhuiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang