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Shocked, I continued staring at the young couple. The girl was cute, in a teasing way. Her eyes shone whenever their eyes made contact, and the way she smiled, I could tell they were deeply in love with each other. From what I could tell, they have probably been together for at least a year.

Suddenly, the girl spun around, and we made eye contact. I immediately averted my gaze, heart thumping.

If Seungcheol had a secret girlfriend, he probably wouldn't appreciate someone else finding out. Especially not someone he'd known for only about a month.

The girl was hunched over now, covering S.coups with her body, her short hair bobbing as she whispered something to him.

I jumped up, grabbing my cup and phone, and ran to the door before Seungcheol had a chance to check out who I was. I flung it open, the bells ringing, I leapt onto the sidewalk, sprinting down the street.

I didn't stop until I reached the building where Jun and Sunhee were. I leaned against the wall, panting, the empty coffee cup squeezed tightly in my left hand.

I panicked. Probably shouldn't have ran, but what else could I do? I didn't want to interrupt their private moment. And I definitely didn't want Seungcheol thinking I was following him. But I wondered why he didn't tell anyone, not even the members. No one knew his secret, and I swore to myself not to mention what I saw to anyone.

I'll forget everything. At least, try to wipe it from my mind. It's not my place to intrude on his secret.

With that set, I took a deep breath before making my way back to the room. Better prepare myself mentally if I walked in on them doing... You know.

I opened the door and stepped in, eyes on the floor. Their were laughter, and a lot of giggling.

Calm down, Yenling. Don't let Sunhee get on your nerves. Face up, stare at them without flinching. Hard. Don't chicken out.

Slowly, I raised my head. Sunhee was leaning on Jun's shoulder, both sitting on one of the sofas. Jun's face was turned towards her, and he was whispering something in her ear.

Stare at them without flinching.

As though sensing my presence, Jun turned around, lips parting slightly when he saw me staring. And there was that unreadable expression. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, which was growing increasingly frustrating.

"Shorty. You're back." He said, as if stating a fact.

Sunhee grimaced, and gave me the evil eye. I held her gaze, keeping my face blank. I raised an eyebrow, and she looked away.

"Junnie," she said, and I cringed at the name, "I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back to finish where we left off." She gave him a hearty wink, and left the room in a flourish.

I was still standing, not knowing what to do. Jun gave me a tiny smile, and patted the now empty seat besides him.

Somehow, I felt annoyed at the gesture. It was as if he saw me as Sunhee' s replacement. As least, while she was gone. I gritted my teeth, overwhelmed by irritation and sadness.

But there was nothing else to do, was there? I sat down on the sofa, as far away from him as possible. We were only a foot away from each other, but I had never felt so distant with Jun before. My heart clenched. I wanted to fil the gap.

But if I did, what different was I to Sunhee?

"Shorty?" Jun said, but I looked at my hands resting on my lap instead.

"Yenling!" He shook my shoulder, and my head snapped back up. He wants my attention? Fine. I looked at him, simply looked at him, with my face expressionless.

My I ➵ Seventeen - junhuiWhere stories live. Discover now