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Seungcheol, expressionless, stared at his phone. There were absolutely no emotion portrayed on his face, no hint of his distress. The others were crowded in the living room, just like the day before, although the atmosphere was completely different. Nobody made a sound.

Jeonghan finally broke the silence. "Seungcheol. You have a girlfriend?" His voice was flat. "And you didn't tell us."

The leader looked up, his bangs covering his eyes. He gave him a little nod.

"You didn't tell us." Jeonghan repeated. "You didn't tell me. I thought we were more than just leader and member. I thought we were best friends."

"Jeonghan, stop." There were no humor in Hoshi's tone now. "Now's not the time." He looked at Seungcheol, eyes hard. "The question is how this got leaked out."

"But it is the time." Jeonghan said, voice slightly rising. "It's about trust, Soonyoung. Keeping secrets like this..."

"If you're sulky Coups didn't tell you every secret he has, save it for later." Hoshi replied, shadows covering his face. The temperature in the room seemed to drop another ten degrees.

I scooted closer to Jun. Please don't fight, guys. Now's not the time to fight. Please.

"Actually, I agree with Jeonghan." Joshua spoke up, quietly. "I'm not mad he kept secrets from me or anything, but not telling anybody about something as major as this is kind of troublesome." He glanced at Seungcheol, looking disappointed. "I think it wouldn't have turned out like this if you told someone. We could've helped you be more careful."

"What's done is done." Jihoon said, matter of factly. "Whether he told anyone isn't the biggest problem. We can't turn back the time and change past mistakes. Now, we have to find out who took the photo, when, and why."

"What, so you're all pretending to be detectives, now?" Jeonghan snapped. I flinched. I've never seen him so angry. "Excuse me, then. I'm off to my room." He walked away, and after a few seconds the door slammed shut.

"I better go check on him." Joshua said, sighing. He gave Seungcheol one last glance. "Coups, I hope you trust us more next time." He also exited the scene, slouching.

Jun gave me a comforting squeeze. I hadn't notice I was clenching my phone so hard, my knuckles had turned white.

"Hyung, say something." Seungkwan said, a look of desperation on his face. "Hyung, don't just sit there."

Coups brushed his hair out of his eyes. He looked tired, older. "What do you want to know?"

"Do you have any idea, any idea at all, who did this?" Soonyoung asked.

Everyone waited. Finally, Seungcheol raised his hand, and pointed. Straight at me.

Jun immediately moved closer to me, enveloping me his wide frame, as if protecting me. Everyone turned to look at me, shocked. My mind was a haze. Of course he would suspect me. I ran out of there like any suspicious person would do. I'm so fucking stupid. Why did I ever think it was a good idea to run that time? I should've stayed around, maybe introducing myself to his girlfriend and lowering their guard. Goddamnit.

"What do you mean, Seungcheol?" Jun said, raising his voice, alarmed.

"She was at that coffee shop that day, wasn't she?" It was Sunhee. She stood, loud and clear, as if she was some kind of justice servant. How did she know I was there anyway?

"It was the day we played pool. She left and came back with a Starbucks cup. I just assumed." She shrugged, looking innocent, which was infuriating.

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