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"Yeah mom, I know. Bye." I ended the call. Jihoon was in my room, sitting on my chair and sorting out files. He looked curiously at me.

"What was that? You sounded frustrated."

I sighed, ran my hand through my hair. "You know. I've been here for more than two months, and college starts soon."

"Oh." His expression twitched a little. "Does that mean you have to leave?"

"They're giving me a choice. To continue working for Pledis or go to medical school." I sighed again, leaning against the ladder of my loft bed. "The reasonable choice would be for me to go to med school, but..."

"It is the best decision." Woozi agreed, although he didn't sound as if he liked it.

"Anyway." I said, changing the topic. This could wait for later. Today was important. We were supposed to film the music video for the album. Usually they did all this during the last comeback, but this time, Pledis gave them a break, resulting in a late schedule.
I think they work too hard. Western artists don't do this much for their fans. "Anyways, Jihoon. Run me over the things I have to do again."

He nodded, flipping through notes. "The lighting, at the five second mark, that's really important. Usually the staff does that but the manager requested for you. And remember the part where this prop has to appear at this place..."

I did my best to remember it all. We were only going to film part of it today of course, but it never hurts to be fully prepared.

The team headed out, and the members followed in the two vans. The ride was silent, everyone fidgeting and looking at their reflections in the window, checking their hair and makeup. Joshua bit his lip, his hands moving slightly, practicing the choreo. Minghao tapped his knee, mouthing his lines.

Sunhee, besides me, was looking pretty as usual. Seriously, who's idea was it to place her in the same car as me? I mean, come on. Even though I didn't act as if I didn't like her in front of the others, still, people with a sharp mind like Wonwoo or somebody should tell by now. She was humming, drumming her fingers on her lap. I gave her a sideways glance. She looked happy. She caught me staring, and gave me a wink.

Please, stop. Stop winking. I gave her a sour smile. Don't even try anything, snake. That wink doesn't look like a good sign.

The team arrived at the destination, and the filming process went by pretty smoothly. There were a few takes before they started filming. I ran around, shouting orders at the staff and readjusting the camera and lights. Sunhee sat on a rock, reapplying lipstick. Why is she even here? She's not even doing anything.

The manager gave her a hard stare, and she returned it with a sweet smile. I rolled my eyes. Can someone fire her already?

Oh no. I'm being mean, aren't I? I shook my head. Being nice and positive and understanding is what I usually do, but Sunhee is seriously testing my limits. My eye twitched. Or maybe god sent her down as a challenge to see if I keep my cool. Deep breaths, Yenling. Ignore her.

"Wang! Focus!" The manager snapped his fingers at me. Damnit. Forgot to turn adjust the lighting. I stiffly nodded, moving a little more quickly.

The boys were taking it hard. By the eleventh take, I could see Seungkwan wincing as his knees hit the floor once again. Minghao was panting, his solo dance was sapping the energy out of it. And Jun. He kept a straight face, seeing that he was an actor and all, he did a pretty good job at not seeming tired at all. But I could tell, and when he twisted his ankle but still didn't cry out, I raised my hand for a time out. The manager didn't look happy, but he called for a break.

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