S P I N O F F | christmas special

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|This story is not related to the current storyline.|
(B O N U S : Sunhee isn't in this story because I'm tired of her crusty ass. Enjoy.)

"Did you know Christmas is one of the most romantic holidays in Korea?" I was sitting besides my boyfriend on the sofa, sipping hot cocoa, and wrapped cozily in a bundle of blankets.

"Huh? Yeah." Jun said absentmindedly, tapping his phone screen rapidly. 「啊幹!」 (trans: oh, fuck!) He muttered, the sound of clashing swords coming from his phone. 「去死吧廢物!」(trans: Die, you piece of trash!)

"Jun!" I said a little louder. "It's Christmas Eve. Did you know?"

He ignored me, focused entirely on his video game.

I sighed. This called for desperate measures. "Jihoon!" I called. "My boyfriend is ignoring me on Christmas Eve!"

"What did you just say?!" Jihoon's voice screamed back. There was the sound of running feet, then a door being slammed shut. A short figure appeared in the hallway, streaking into the living room and knocking the phone out of Jun's hands.

Jun yelped in surprise. "What the fu-"

Woozi pointed an accusing finger at him. "I thought I told you to treat her better!"

"But I was just-"

"If I was her, I'll break up with you right this very momen-"

"Okay, okay." I clapped my hands loudly. "Jihoon, thanks for helping."

"No problem."

"You treat her like she's your little sister." Jun said, smirking a bit. "What would you do if I kissed her here, right now?"

Pink patches blossomed on Woozi's cheeks. "Wait-"

Jun wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close. "What if I did something more than kissing?"


Jun lifted my chin and pressed his lips against mine, running his fingers though my hair. He glanced sideways at Woozi, who was looking very uncomfortable, the tips of his ears bright red. Jun bit my lip softly, and I felt his other hand under my sweater, sliding up my back.

"Okay, okay!" Woozi whirled around, his back facing us. "Don't do that in public, Jesus Christ!"

"Technically, this is out home, so it's not public." Jun pulled away, looking at Woozi's reaction in amusement. "So we're allowed to-"

"That's not what I meant!" Woozi snapped, his voice unusually high pitched. "Just, do it when you guys are alone!" He glanced at us, and hurried out of the living room.

"You just had to tease him like that, Jun." I scolded, flicking his nose.

Jun winced slightly, then smirked. "I know you enjoyed it."

"Maybe." I snuggled closer to him, his warmth radiating off his body. I raised my head and kissed him again, catching him but surprise. He fell back, so he was lying on the couch with me on top of him, the blanket sprawled around us. He smelled like cinnamon.

We pulled away, breathing heavily. My face must be tinged pink by now. I rested my head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat at my fingertips. This was a very relaxing position, I realized. I should do this more often.

"Shorty?" Jun spoke after a moment of silence.


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