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"What do you mean the recording is gone?" Minghao slammed his hands on the kitchen table, eyes wide.

Seokmin looked just as confused. "I- I don't know. I sat here, waiting for the others to wake up, and I was just randomly scrolling through my phone, and the recording just disappeared from the chat history!"

Wonwoo frowned. "What recording?"

Jun didn't say anything. It must've been Sunhee. Shit. What will her next move be, now that she knew Yenling had leaked her plan to all of them? She must've hacked in and deleted the recording. Shit, shit, shit. Why hadn't he thought about this before? Sunhee was in the group chat, of course she would've seen it. Now the evidence was gone.

And what will Sunhee do now?

He turned, fists clenched, running out of the kitchen. "Junhui! Where are you going?" Minghao yelled after him, but he didn't reply. He barged through the door of Yenling and Sunhee's room.

Sunhee was sitting on Yenling's chair, scrolling through her phone. She looked up. "Junnie? What's wrong?" She asked sweetly.

"Don't play dumb." He snapped. "You deleted it, didn't you?"

Sunhee sighed, turning off the phone. "Yes, I admit I lowered my guard when I told her about my plan." She waved her hand around in a bored manner. "I honestly thought she hated you all too much to bother telling you guys."

Jun felt his eyelid twitch in annoyance. "Why would she be mad at us? She's smart enough to know you were the one behind all this a long time ago. She knew you were manipulating us. If she hated someone, that someone would be you."

"Hmm." Sunhee sounded nonchalant. She smiled, gently placing her hand on his. "I guess you're right, Junnie. She's not stupid. Unlike the rest of you."

Jun slapped her hand away, anger boiling up inside of him. "What are you going to do next?"

She cocked her head from side to side, looking confused. "What in the world are you talking about, I wonder?" She grinned again, eyes wide. She stood up and twirled around, giggling. She stopped in front of him, placing her hand on his chest and snuggling close. "Oh! Are you worried that'll I'll release the photos?"

Jun swallowed, backed away from her. Somehow, her actions seemed more disturbing than before.

Sunhee giggled again. "Don't worry. You're not the reason why my information was leaked. So it wouldn't be your fault if I posted the photos." She stepped closer to him, and closed in, whispered in his ear. "However, I want to."

Jun shoved her back, raising his fist, prepared to send it down on her. She can't post them. She can't. He had to stop her. A surge of uncontrollable rage rose up in him and he brought his clenched hand down, ready to see her face smashed in-

"Oh, Junnie, you look scary, with you glaring at me." She dodged the blow with surpringly good reflexes. "Your face is so red, Junnie, it's not good for your health." She wagged her finger at him, smirking. "I thought you were a sweet softie. But damn, Junnie." In a flash she was right in front of him, and she pressed her lips against his. "Junnie, you're so hot when you're mad."

Jun flipped her over his shoulder, sending her crashing to the floor. It was a move he learned from his wushu classes, but he never would've known the move will be used here, at a girl. But he didn't care. In his eyes, Sunhee wasn't just a girl. She was a fucking monster.

He pinned her down with his knee pressed tightly against her chest, and she gasped for air, her hair in a tangled mess. "Junnie." Somehow she was still able to keep a smile. "Oh, Junnie, that was such a turn on." She purred, eyes shining.

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